
Wednesday, 6 February 2013


6 Feb 2013

Good afternoon our friends, welcome once again to the Diary of Little Waggatail. Today I anxiously, an yet happily waited for  a new Guide dog instructor to come out,  to do a one off outing with me to the shop. Well he was twenty minutes late, so I  thought he was not coming, Just as I was about to call the Guide dog office, thinking what a  shame, as I was all  psyched up, with coat and company at the ready, the doorbell rang. In this new man bounced to meet me, as camp as Christmas, but at once I felt at ease with him. I was right, he has only been qualified to be a GDI, for a year, oh he was absolutely fantastic. My confidence has gone back up there, why? Because when Waggatail made mistakes, as she did but not as  many as normal, he took my  arm and we did it again, until she got it right. She was so much better but more to the point, so was I. He taught me quite a lot, just by what I feel on the ground. Things I never knew before so now I know when to turn left into the track along the school, because of the tactile on the path, I knew before when I found the tactile, I was to turn right at some point but never knew quite when. He told me there were two sets of tactile, I did not even know that. Hub probably would but unless it’s pointed out to me I am hopeless. I feel so much better about that walk, still won’t do it on my own, shame he is not coming back, he was great.

Though he did talk to me in such a manor, that he obviously thought I was a proper blind well trained clever person, I mean at one point, I really thought he was discussing sex positions with me and  when he asked me to do position one and two? I almost told him I would have to refer to the Kama Sutra?

I mean, what is position one and two? Hahahaha. Come on my VIP friends let me in on your secret code?

Yes we bought some all-important butter. I had a conversation with  a lady at the till who was  buying the same butter as me and in the end, I thought, “I’m not sure what more I can say on the subject butter?!” She was really lovely though, so friendly and very very well spoken. What a difference it makes getting out, though the beforehand of it, is really difficult. Just getting out over the doorstep. If you really push yourself, though, when you get back if it goes well, you feel so much better, I really think the walk with hub the other night, did Waggatail good.

Back out again one week today. Though I will be going shopping with my crazy fun aunt on my birthday before then. Can’t wait.

Oh how quiet the house is without our Long Chops, but I like it when she is away, as I know she will be loving every moment of it. LC, will be sitting whilst Hub talks to the world in his conferences and meetings, and LC, will be looking at the audience as though to say,

“Look at me everyone, I’m soooo important, and really really pretty, and clever, and I, yes I, have the longest chops in town, so don’t mess with me!”

Haha. Oh I will have to try and explain to a neighbour who was quite concerned when she saw a man my GDI for the day, following me, that it was his job, and he wasn’t stalking me.

Or perhaps I won’t bother? Ha.

She was good though as I passed, she said hello, then after she cautiously asked if I was alright, she told me her name, this was so helpful, as unless I know the people so well, I have not got a clue who I am talking to.

Five days without three dogs this is the first time it has been this way since I got my Waggatail a month ago. I am interested to know what it will be like? Will keep you up to date.

 I am happy with my dog today. She did good, as specially when all of the monkeys, oh, sorry, children in the school playground were doing dog sounds and  chasing Waggatail down the path, ha. Bless. Or maybe not?

With love my friends from Black beauty, Little Waggatail an long Chops from her London office.

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