
Monday, 4 February 2013


Oh hub has just had a right laugh on my behalf? I asked a Facebook friend, if she knew any songs with the name Fiona in them? After we had just listened to a lovely song with the name Amanda in it, with lovely romantic words? Well later I returned to my laptop to find a message from a man who shall remain nameless? Ha. Who “kindly, sent me a link, which you can find below, and laugh along with my Husband. There was me, all excited, dying to hear this lovely song, with wonderful lyrics? And the chorus, well, what can I say?



Oh, an MP in the UK, has been found out to be a lire today? MP? Lyre? No, surely not? But the only thing is, he lied about a speeding offence. He said his wife had been driving and just found out that it was him, but, he not only has been hung from his career, but he faces jail? The funny thing his job was dealing with Law and order? Now, Jail? I think that is a little harsh. Yes  loss his job and shamed fined heavily, but not jail, what good will that do him?

Oh something else I found of interest today in the news, beneath a council car park, remains of an English King. Richard the 3rd. The skeleton, has a bent spine and ten wounds to his head. So now, history, will have to be re written. Now the bones will be sent to rest in a Cathedral. Amazing


The winds are wild, the  rain is beating down and it is bitter cold, but Hub and I went on our walk to the shop. Waggatail was OK, I was a wreck. Just don’t trust her. She won’t slow down at steps or stop at them, she sits, only if I tell her, so I have to know exactly where the steps are, to tell her to sit so she can tell me? Crazy. But she did really well once we were at the shops, she is brilliant at finding doors. Much better than Black beauty. Even better that LC, at finding doors, but  getting from A to B, is awful.

It was the first walk I have done with her in the dark and she did better than in the daylight.

But the wind didn’t help in following Hub, we have forecast winds, snow, rain and thunder and lightning? Hahahahaha. Everything but sun.

My family in the US, are home safe from their four day drive from Mexico. Hub away again tomorrow for six days.

Until tomorrow friends, stay safe. x

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