
Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Good morning Bloggets, how are  you all today? Well hub left at the crack of dawn and Teen is still in bed. Yes he did come home last night. At 8 O clock. He did not take his shoes off and came through the door. Stepping in the house for about three steps, saying he was going back out. I after being squeezed by hubs hand in mine, remained calm. I told him that was OK? He was shocked at my response. So teen sat down and asked in an awkward way,

“So have you two had a nice day? I said fantastic, Hub did not speek.

He asked if there was anything he could do for us? I said no, Hub did not speek.

He sat for an hour then went out.

I was furious inside as nine o clock at night going out? Where and why? At fifteen?

Oh he is really driving me crazy.

To be honest, I actually wanted him out of the house, even though all day the pains in my chest were getting worse.

My asthma, which never really bothers me I don’t even take medication for, has been unbearable of late.

I sound like a smoker.

The pains just to breathe has been so bad and  sitting here now, I feel really ill.

Hub wants me to go to the Doctors, and I will if it continues, but I really really dislike medics with a passion and I no way want to go to hospital and GP’s now are glorified secretary’s. They take notes and pass you onto the hospital and  if you could see our hospital in the town? OMG? It is like something out of the ark.

I just need to learn how to relax and really detach myself from teen as much as possible until he gets sick of  acting like a complete idiot. Show off big head.

His girl has really got to him. Teaching him to be devious something he has never ever been he has always been the most honest child in the world.

Hub is telling me to ride it out, but that is what he did with his girls and they were incredibly sly and I really don’t want this of teen. I worry about my step daughters, but I have no control over them, my teen I am losing it fast.

I did not call him all day or ask how his day was. I just can’t bring myself to talk to  him now.

I know every parent goes through something like this, normally it is gradual, but this has come on over night.

So he went out, at nine and came in about half eleven. I mean, where, did he go and what was he doing?

I can’t bare it. But I have to live with it.

When he came in, we were in bed as Hub had to get up early.

He asked me what he could eat? He started cooking at that time of night. Then put on the television. We could not get to sleep. Hub was getting more cross. In the end I told him to turn the television off.

He came to bed about midnight.

God knows if there were any lights left on? I can’t tell.

So Hub off to the capital in a tired mood. I am sure he is worried about my health, as am I to be truthful, but not so worried to go to the butchers,

Oh, sorry, doctors.

Hub today is getting a letter and speech as he has worked for his company for twenty years. Doing all sorts of jobs. He didn’t put a tie on as we were not sure of what colour his shirt was. Teen normally tells us but like hell we were going to ask him?

We always buy white shirts but hubs dad and my  friend, buy coloured and I think it was one of those. Do not want to clash tie shirt and suit, so he went tieless?

Teen still in bed. He is out with Bunches today. He is going job hunting. Later I will tell you of what we spoke about on the phone  the other day but it really disappointed me about Bunches.

Right off for now have some socialising to do? Ha. With love. X

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