
Friday, 15 February 2013


Good morning Bloggets. How did last night go? The romance of Teen and Bunches? Oh, Teen went twice to the restaurant to see if he could deliver his gifts so the owner could present them to teen at the right time. The first time he went, it was  closed? Oh my word? I thought, “Gosh what if he is closed today! Teen couldn’t get through to Bunches. No answer from her mobile.  Would she turn up? Would the restaurant be going to open later?

Then the text came through thank God, and we could all breathe a sigh of relief. Bunches was on her way by taxi, so Teen ran again to the restaurant and it was open. The  deed was done and he came back to get dressed in his posh clothes.

The taxi was really late. A half hour journey, took  fifty minutes.

Oh it was like waiting for the dentist.

We were all sitting like soldiers. Sitting like soldiers? Should that not have been standing like them? Oh well, they have to sit at some  point.

She arrived, she looked lovely, in her dress. Waggatail almost took her out with one jump. Hopefully no ripped clothing?

Off they went for their romantic meal.

Two hours later, they came back. Teen bursting with glee and that kind of hot flush of lust came across his face, as he showed Hub and I his gift from Bunches.

She bought him a bracelet, with their names  on an forever inscribed on the back. A beautiful card with two love birds, you blow them and they fly around the card. Wonderful words were inside from her too!

He bought her a me to you necklace and he wears one she the other. Also a long stemmed rose. A card with beautiful words to her in as well.

All lovey dovey.

 All hell will kick off tonight, when he gets in, as I am telling him, he is not allowed in his bedroom anymore with Bunches, as last night after the meal, they went there and there were some silent moments no talking and Hub and I were very anxious. I kept shouting up to them, but I don’t want anything happening in our house thank you very much. I am sure teen will go mad I will tell him, he can have the living room, Hub and I will be in the conservatory, or they can go in there. I know this won’t be good enough, tough! I know Bunches mum won’t allow it so why should we?

It would be a nightmare if Bunches got  pregnant after Bunches Mum has really worked hard at getting her daughter through the best education that money can buy? Also they are too young.

I do hope they will be together forever though, as she is so lovely and Teen gets on with Bunches Mum thank God. Bunches brought me a lovely box of chocolates for my birthday, how cute is that? I was not expecting that at all.

Her Mum collected her and I was quite pleased she is still OK about the kids being together as they really love each other.

Right out now will talk later my friends. xxx


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