
Thursday, 14 February 2013


Well Bloggets, it has happened, I have been assessed…

I had a visit from two lovely ladies from our blind society and they were both every bit what we expected. Highly educated very well  spoken elderly ladies.

The first lady who was here to assess me, was really lovely. Very jolly and incredibly in touch with psychology. I won’t bore you with detail, but she was very switched on with her people skills and people watching!

She was a delight. The other lady, I am not really sure what she was here for, though was also lovely. She basically offered me Chinese students, who could hardly speek English, who didn’t know the area, to  come out and take me places? Hahahahahaha.

I said no thank you to her. Though I am sure they  will have their uses for something? Possibly helping visually impaired people in their university’s?

The first lady, offered me a person who wait for it? Hahahaha. Oh this will kill you, it almost did me?

Someone she  was going to reject if not for me coming along?



Well as far as I am concerned, if that person is good enough to be a volunteer, they are good enough to be given a chance, just not a full time volunteer thank you very much?

I told the lovely lady, as she told me of this persons personality,

I would like that lady to come out may be once a month. Just to keep her feeling like she is important, but by the description of her,

She is larger than life, full of personality, does not listen to what people have to say, very jolly and full of energy?

Now my Bloggets, stop it?

OK, sounds like me, so you have me as a reject? Ha. Me too, but I can behave and I do from time to time have a side to me that is very intrigued with, or by, the brain. How it works, as most days, yes, I will agree perhaps with you, mine doesn’t get used, but there are  moments, whereby I burst out with grey matter that has been shy for some time.

I like a deep and meaningful conversation as well as a laugh. I also don’t want a volunteer like my old plum pincher friend, from where I used to live. Don’t start me  on her? One day soon, I will tell you about her? But she for sure would have been on the reject volunteer list? Ha.

So in a couple of weeks, I should have a couple of people to match with my personality. To go shopping with and do other things I really would like.

I still can’t wait to see who or what they send me?

It is a great system though. I know few people and the ones I know, are at work all day. In the evening, they have their families and their own life. Volunteers are people who  want to give back what they feel they have taken. But they are also people who are also on their own? I just wold love a person who is fun, clever and loves shopping and chatting. I’m not asking much am I? I just don’t want to go a month without going out to places other than the local shop for butter? Ha. I  may really hate the service,  I may feel like they are patronising and feel like a bit of a desperate person, maybe  I am?

But sitting in the house day in and day out will make me really really depressed and at one time, I would be OK with doing this lifestyle, but not now.

When the jolly lady walked in, she  was asked by hub, if she would like a cup of tea or coffee? She  said no, as she was on some sort of fast, I stopped myself from telling her she should slow down? Hahahahaha

She replied in her very posh voice,

“Oh, unless, you have some fruit tea?

I thought of course, don’t we all?

 Hub brought in something to which I was totally oblivious to. To the jollity of the two ladies, who acted with absolute shock and delight, as Hub  presented them with a huge box we were given for Christmas, full of every kind of tea bag known to man….

Well, OK, there  was a choice of about fifteen kinds of tea.

It was rather funny to hear their gleeful laughter when they had a choice of such a selection though?

Right, going to open two lovely late gifts and cards, a spoiled Fi again and loving it. It means my birthday has lasted three days.

I will keep you informed of Teens love life tonight. Fingers crossed it will go well?

With love. On this loving day. xx

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