
Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Technology can really get you in to trouble. I have heard Hub using voice recognition on his iPhone and, when it works, it's fantastic. Ask it to set an alarm, put something in your diary, even create a text message and it gets on with it, although I don't think I would like to shout out all of my, text messages! Ahahahah!
 Voice recognition does have its problems, as the following imagined interaction with Twitter shows.
"I'm using voice recognition software to write this tweed.
 No. tweet. Scratch that.
No, Mind you.
 “Deal heat.
 No, Delete.
 “Hair raise.
No, Erase
 Yes, Duck your computer."
Hub's mellifluous tones seem to get the results he wants from voice recognition but it still has a long way to go before it could cope with things like local accents. As you may know in Britain, we have so many accents. Where I come from the North East of England, you only need to travel three miles, and you will find a different accent. From my city, to the outskirts to the  country side, then to the seaside, all within twenty miles, you will  find four different accents of the same northern origins, just with different ways of expressing yourself and some different words are used, for the  same word.
I have travelled a lot in my life, so when necessary, only when necessary, I talk in a way which people will understand me. But I can quite easily  go into my local accent, where by someone only an hour from where I live, will not understand a word I say.
Today I have been out with my Guide dog trainer. More of that later, but we called into a center for the blind. A place where by I don’t normally find myself. One of the reasons being, I hate being blind and constantly reminded of the fact that I am.
But over the years, I have learned how to deal with the situation,  I am in. That is to listen to what people tell me I am supposed to do and act like , then please myself.
Look at the dreadful things which are available to blind  and partially sighted people, take in what I need to and dismiss the rubbish.
Well today I was handed  a key board,  oh, I thought it was one of the  portable keyboards that Hub had for his IPhone. No, I was told, it was a very handy remote control for the television.
Oh my God…. It was blooming huge? Really, it looked so ugly. One good thing, you would never lose it?
With the talking box now for the television, why do those awful things still sell?
I guess with me, I hate being labeled. I don’t like to look blind, as what do blind people look like? What is your stereo typical idea of a blind person?
If you have one, I don’t want to be like that thank you very much.
I mean, do sighted people all look the same?
What would you sighted people think if I was to tell you, you all had to wear arm bands so you could be seen by others.
You had to carry a card in bright  yellow, saying
“I need assistance please!”
A guide dog with a huge yellow label on the harness saying
“Please do not distract, I am working?”
You sighted Bloggets, should you all have a label saying
“Hi, look at me, I can see?
A label to hold up to tell the world
“No need to help me please, I have sight!”
How would you all  feel if you all had the same hair style? I have spoken to sighted people before who have told me I have beautiful hair, not at all what they would expect blind people to have? Hahahaha. And they tell you this, you know?
It is like a survey I did once how they were going to develop houses for the blind and they wanted to know what I  thought of their amazing ideas of doors with huge aluminous stickers on every door and different colored work tops in the kitchen. I mean, how would you like that in your house?
We can’t see very well if at all, we are just like you, but our eyes don’t work.
Please help us if we look lost, but  if you ever come across anyone who is blind and they come across as rude not wanting help, don’t let that put you  off helping the next person, please, as that could make a difference of whether or  not that person will ever get out again. You helping, makes our days out better and life longer.
Well, the wish to live more easier.
One good thing that came out of the visit to the blind society, was they have a volunteer service, where by someone once a week will come out and go shopping with you, or if you want to go to the theatre, or whatever, they will go with you. So in a couple of weeks, A lady is coming to assess me…..
Oh, yes, I will be assessed. What on earth will they make of me?
I would love to see that paperwork when they leave?
She said she will see what kind of volunteer will be suitable for me? Hahahahaha.
So for all of those  Scientists and developers whom read my blogs, as I know you are all out there? Ha. When you are doing wonderful things to help those of us who cannot see what you can, try to think what you would like,  if you lost your sight. Don’t ever think you will always be able to see, as the statistics out there are frightening when it comes to sight loss.
I must go to rest now, as I still feel really ill from last night. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but going to rest and I really want to chat about so much more, so hopefully later and will do the Doggy diary too later.

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