
Tuesday, 22 January 2013


Well, Teen got home safely, Hub followed some hours later, his train was delayed,  but only by ten minutes. He said he has never felt so cold at a train station in the UK in his life. There was freezing fog too for his travels.

Teen feels confident about his science exam, so hopefully, all of the extra hours he has been putting in at school, has paid off.

He told me the police had been at the school. He  told me of a story which made me feel sick. Apparently, all the boys at break time at school, were playing snowball fights. One boy was took down by another lad, whilst all of the boys pelted him with snow. One dreadful lad, through a snowman on top of the boy, whilst he lay on the ground. My Teen was not the one who took the poor child down, or the one who through the snowman, but he still through snowballs at the lad whilst down. Oh I just felt so sorry for the poor boy and rightly so, the parents called the police. So teen is not in trouble, the lad who through the snowman is, but teen along with another dozen boys, are not allowed  out at breaks this week. Thank God, keep the stupid child in?

Really, what should I have said to him? He picks tea time whilst we are around the table to tell me bad things about what trouble  he is in. Do I scream and shout, lecturing him about telling me the truth, being honest? Or stay calm, expressing how sad I  feel about the poor boy, and how I would feel if the child on the field was him. He kind of agreed, but lads will be lads and he saw no wrong in it. Am I too soft with my feelings, has this kind of thing always gone on? Or should I have gone mad with him but risked having a child who never told me what is  going on in life?

Hub always  goes mad at me for being so calm with teen, but teen has always been very honest with me. Never keeps anything from me and I can credit this, by his actions in life of the knowledge that I can really trust him, what I could not stand was, one day, some years ago, teen, would have risked being segregated by the others, to stick up for the child in trouble. I used to be proud of his genuine care for  others, but now? Well, he got sick of being ridiculed and now finds comfort with so called blending in. So he is no way near the nice child he used to be, nor is he a bad child, I guess somewhere in the middle.

As I keep saying, parenting, Gosh it’s hard?

I try to bring him up with  manners and a kind heart, but sometimes I wonder, where did that get me?

Perhaps, it is a good thing, that he is not so soft as what I am, and a little iron around his heart, is a good protection, for what nasty’s are in order for his future?

So what have I been doing today? Well, I emptied the dish washer and filled it again, washed the kitchen sink and work tops. I cleaned the kitchen table and did the floors. Made a tea for the boys and played with the dogs, trying to train Waggatail to know her silly name.

I wrote to you all and answered some emails. I answered a call from my lovely  borrowed American Mum, who I call my Yam, who is still on holiday in Mexico, and spoke for a long time, but never long enough to my best friend on the phone.  We never run out of words and  always put the world to rights, he has been given me some great help with the new business I wish to start this year, and his advice is much needed. He was telling me about his lovely wife too, who is an avid reader, I find people like her really interesting. We spoke of her intelligence and  how I regret not learning Braille. She can see print and now I obviously can’t and don’t know Braille, I am kind of stuck unless the books talk, like software which makes words jump out in a form of a synthesis speech.

My friend was asking why do I need Braille in the world we live in now with all its technology?  My answer was so that I can read prescribed tablets from the Doctors and I would love to write a birthday card to my blind friends, who open a print card and it is another bit of paper to them, without the enjoyment of words from a loved one. I could label food so I would not  play the tedious game of guessing what tin we have or frozen item? So many reasons I would like to write and read Braille. I could give you a list of about thirty reasons.

It is like asking sighted people,

“Why bother teaching your children to read? They won’t need it in the future!”

I am sure hand writing will be history in our future?

I can still remember how to write print, though my friends often receive cards without anything in them, as my pen has not worked without me realising? Ha.

Well, it’s bed time now and tomorrow, I will  hopefully remember to tell you about my Mexican sweetheart from many years ago.

And more. I also hope to tell you I have been out with Waggatail. xxxxxxxNighty night Bloggets.

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