
Wednesday, 16 January 2013


16 January 2013

Yesterday Waggatail and I did not get out for training, because of the bad weather we are having in the UK. There wasn’t much snow, but it was slushy and a little icy.

I did a little training in the garden and in the house, just to keep her a little entertained, as she does like to do little things. It is so funny, because I have stopped feeding her in the mornings now, she gets one meal a day, like the other two dogs.  But every morning, bless her, she runs to her dish, in expectation and when there was no food in there, she ran to the scales, as I weigh her food out in them. She sat next to the counter where the scales are and looked up. I did feel sorry for her , but today, she wasn’t too bad. She just ran to the dish, then when there was no food, she forgot about it.

She is coming to me a lot  now, and it is nice, I feel like we are making more of a bond. I have never had a dog so long as this, though not two weeks yet, and not  fallen in love with. Normally two days max, before I would die for my  animals.

I think a lot of it was the pure exhaustion of having her and getting used to her ways of being naughty. I am not used to such a monkey.

She still does not answer to her name, so when she is in the garden, she will not come back for anything other than a whistle. I just want to be able to shout her name and she comes. I don’t want to be glued to the whistle, as specially around the house?

I also don’t want to be devastated if she does not work out? She had to improve a lot before I felt comfortable with her. I so don’t want another pet, as my BB was kind of like that.

The trouble is, Long Chops, is such a perfect guide dog, and I would love one like her or even close?

Well, today, my GDI picked us and we went in the car, to our shops again.

Oh, my Little Waggatail really did well? Like another dog. I don’t know what happened, but she was absolutely fantastic? How could she change so much? Was she just pleased to be out, after yesterday being in the house? Or is it we really do have a bond right now?

I don’t love  her like I do my other two, that is really awful, as when Long chops came into my life, I loved her the same  as Black beauty. This one may be more of a guide dog like a aid for getting me around? What am  I saying? Do I really believe that? Ha, God I will be besotted with her I am sure soon.

Once I get over the shock of all the extra work.

We went into a shop and she followed my GDI like thread to a bobbin. This is so important to me as Hub goes to the town, and he knows those routes and  I need to be able to follow. She was amazing. Oh it was the best thing I have ever experienced. I walked in a shop. So freely, so fast too? I felt really normal, not anxious not subconscious that everyone was looking as I was just free. I felt so blooming good. This is the best feeling I have had in so many years, in fact ever to be honest. I normally walk waiting to bump into something and always wondering where on  earth I am going. I  flew around the shop, glided, I was on air. It was superb.

I had the biggest smile on my face. I wanted to  grab the tanoy, and tell the shoppers. Ha.

We came out of there, after buying some boxes with lids, to put the dog food in so it can be tidy in the cupboard, stacking on top of each other. She found  left to the coffee shop, avoiding all of the signs which are annoyingly placed in the middle of the paths, and we felt compelled to have a Hot  chocolate in there. Then, she came out of there, avoiding the children’s roundabouts and the bin, as well as the trolley storage and all of the commuters coming  out of the shop with their groceries in their trolleys and did the long walk to the bus. She went streight to the door.

Stuff taking the harness off. I would love to get a petition, with names on to tell which ever fool made the rule up about removing the harness before the bus even arrives? I would never have found the door and she was there. She was a star. She is, my Little hero Waggatail.




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