
Friday, 18 January 2013



18 January 2013

Today was an amazing day and reassured me what a small world we live in.

I put on my coat and made sure I had my armband/reflector and doggy bags, treats and whistle.

My GDI came and in the car we went to be  assessed with Waggatail.

I met her boss who was going to assess me and he was so nice.  He was not at all scary or aloof.

Waggatail and I got ready as I put on her harness and off we went on our route.

All of the time, I was thinking, is this the day? Am I going to be tested today? Though I was not at all anxious.

I knew I could only do my best and if I relaxed, Waggatail would too. As they feel the tension through the harness.

I just used every sense I had, to smell and hear myself around my environment.

I heard the  hustle and bustle of Tesco’s and could hear the noise of the children’s merry go rounds.

I could smell the coffee shop so I knew to walk past that and knew the pet shop was coming up, so had to allow her to show me where that is as there is nothing to tell me it is  comin up, or no smells either.

Well, She did it, she really wanted to go into the pet shop and play with the rabbit that was there the other day, but we just  turned around and went to the coffee shop, not going in, just praising her and giving her a treat for showing me the door. Then into Tesco to show the boss, how she follows as  if we were following an assistant or hub. This is what she specialises in.

She was great. Coming out of there, she was not so good, but there were so many distractions, like huge amounts of trolleys and children riding on the merry go rounds.

People in  a rush coming out with their shopping and hurrying on their way.

She found the bus stop and I gave her another treat. We all got in the car and home we came for a coffee and to be told the news, that I had passed/qualified. Can you believe it? We did it? Wow. I am amazed. Still a long way to go though, lots of routes to do with her but I have the harness now and I can do the routes I have been taught. Though to do those on my own, will take a while, as I still don’t trust her by myself.

Though  I know I could do some of the places.

And all of them with Hub.

But here is the amazing fact.

The person who puppy walked her, the person / family, who had her from six weeks till a year, was the same family, who had my Black beauty all of those years ago.

BB, was that families first pupt they ever walked/trained.

So I got her details and just came off the phone from her.

She was so pleased I called, and really over the moon, that I was the owner of her first puppy too. Her little Black beauty, who came to her as a bundle of fluff and left as a young guide dog, the same as Waggatail, though LWT, has a little more about herself when it comes to cheek and energy.

She also will make a better guide dog, but no one will ever replace my BB.

But the hill that BB used to play up as a puppy, will be the same hill, as Waggatail played up, ten years later.

What are the chances of that happening?

I might put the lottery on now? Ha.

So now my little girl has passed her big girls test and I am really delighted.

Well done Waggatail.

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