
Monday, 7 January 2013


Well, here we are end of the first week of the new year. Today is Christmas in some parts of the world, so if you are having Christmas today, Happy Christmas. My dearest friends in Russia are having some Champagne to day I am sure. My Hub is back at work, from home today and tomorrow. Wednesday, he is flying to Japan, for three days. Then America, then Canada and will be back after a week or so. Eight days in total for the three countries. So hell for me again. I truly hate my life when he is away, but it is what I signed on the dotted lines when I agreed to marry him. Teen back at school thank God, he is driving me mad right now, his attitude is bad. I know there is something going on in his head and I know that  he has lost contact with his father and I am not sure how I  feel about that. Partly guilty as he needs to feel loved, he is very insecure about life, though cocky in so many ways, craves for love from a father figure too. He has started to talk to us like we are dirt and he is so not getting on with Hub and the feelings are mutual. I am stuck in the middle. I know teen is in the wrong, but we are the adults and it is up to us how we handle the situation. I can deal with teens dreadful tongue, but Hub can’t and fire is started in the household.

So I am in the middle now and I just don’t have the energy. My body is torn with being pulled both ways.

Days like this, I just want to run away and be on my own with my animals. I don’t like ugly scenes.

Hub for sure is in the right teen should not talk to us in such a way. He shows no respect. I think as I have been told, that every teen goes through this. I know of two girls who are and they get away with it, but my teen can’t. I just wish we could get on. We are a long time dead.

I just want to be a hamster and hibernate for the winter. I can’t though, I have my new dog to train with. I will write in her diary on here later on today. As we have training to do today, so will let you know how we got on.

Meanwhile, I will do some work and talk later. With love. x

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