
Sunday, 20 January 2013


20 January 2013

Not much to report in Waggatail diary today my friends, after her great triumph on Friday. She has seen snow I think for the first time in her life, as last year we did not have any and she was not born the year before.

She sniffs it as though she is looking for the best prize ever.

The sound  of her doing that is so funny, so quick, are her little snuffles.

I have been making snow balls and throwing them for her and Long Chops. I love the sound of their footsteps as they run up the garden.

I would love a photograph taking of the three musketeers, but sadly they have not invented a camera that takes good picks of anything yet, for blind people.

But what a lovely picture that would make for the wall, three black dogs, in the white snow?

I have asked teen to take a picture, but that involves effort. So no picture/photograph.

Little Waggatail, still will not answer to her name. To be honest, this is a real problem. When I first got her, I thought, well, I will let her off, but now? It is a nightmare. When she is out in the garden, she will not come back and God help me if I take  her on a free run?

Hub says he has never  known a guide dog not take notice of her/his name. He has had a few, too!

Guide dogs, that is, not drinks? Ha.

I have noticed though that the lovely GDI, tuts and makes other odd sounds as she is training with her. Oh it drives me crazy. But Waggatail is getting better, as she  kindly allowed us to sleep in today for the first time in the two weeks I have had her.

Well I am going to brush her now in the back garden. Not looking forward to that as the snow is still out there, waiting for my fingers, to gnaw on.

A  day off training tomorrow and on Tuesday, we are hitting the public transport, so watch out, Fifi and Waggatail about.

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