
Wednesday, 1 May 2013


Good afternoon Bloggets. Gosh what a busy day, I got up with Hub this morning early, saw my Son off to school, Felt a huge emotion of pain for him and what he is going through. I made his pack lunch and made sure it was a big one with lots of fruit and a cereal bar, lots of sandwiches and a cheese and onion pastry. He sadly is hungry all the time and he is relating it to stress. I don’t want him to go there as he will get used to food means help with stress and he will end up overweight, though right now, he is like a runner bean. Very slim. I noticed he has not done his exercises and weights for a few days and last night at eight, he went to bed, did not want to get out and said he wanted to bury his head in the sand and forget life. God how do you pull your child out of what I think in fact I am sure is a major depression?

Bunches Dad taking him and her to a wonderful fairground this weekend so that should be a relief for him.

I came down stairs, let the dogs out, put away their beds, wiped the kitchen down, cleaned the floors, emptied the dish washer, filled it again, washed the upstairs shower room and put a load of washing in. Then got a load of letters together to be read / scanned. Straightened the cushions on the sofa and gave the dogs a drink. Made coffee for hub and myself and got sorted for Paula coming. We went out to buy my friend’s birthday cards and I took Waggatail with us. She was great, found the pet shop, didn’t really want to go there, but thought whilst I am there, I will look at those nylon bones? God knows what they are made of, but know Wagga loves to constantly bite, so thought that would be good for her; of course I need three, as it would not be show, without Punch? Sorry to our Blogget family who will not know that English saying, I shall explain. The European version may be Mother Hulda.  The puppet show features Punch and Judy. Without Punch, there could be no show. Punch & Judy, Judy, used to be known as Joan, made its first appearance in England on May the 9th, 1662. That day is recognised as the birthday of Punch. Punch is a violent character. It is a traditional puppet show, which stems from Victorian days and used to be on our beaches. Now the show goes mobile to where ever we may need a puppet show, like children’s birthdays.  The Diarist, Samuel Pepys, watched a marionette show, featuring an early version of the Punch character, in Covent Garden in London. It was performed by an Italian, puppet showman Pietro Gimonde. A.K.A “Signor Bologna”

Punch wears a brightly coloured jester’s sugarloaf hat, with a tassel. He is a Hunchback whose hooked nose which almost meets his curved chin… “Sounds a beauty? Ha. He carries a stick, known as slapstick, which is as big as him.  He uses his stick on the characters. He speaks in a dreadful squawking voice which is produced by a thing called a swizzle which the professor/ puppeteer, holds in his mouth. Like a Kazoo sound.        

Well, now we have that out the way, back to bones. Guess how much the small ones were? The size of three quarters of your hand as in length and the width of two fingers.

£7 each. £21 for three? No way, jog on and out of there with a bag of chew sticks for £4.  We had to say hello to the coffee shop but did not go in and then to buy what I came for. Waggatail did not like to pass the coffee shop without going in, as that broke her route. We got what I needed then bus home, with a surprise; we went on the field to free run Waggatail. Oh she loved it so much and found a ball. We left it there though. It was a warm day. Lovely, got home put the kettle on had a chat and she went for her sixteen mile run…

OMG? She is a fitness person, good on her. She is slim and obviously fit. Oh yep, we are such a match? Ha. She is sweet though and day two of normality. Being able to shop without stress. I still dream of the day when I can go hands free if you know what I mean.

But she is a lovely person, very quiet and we are seeing each other next week again.

OK, will go and start the tea, crab cakes with Mediterranean vegetable for the boys, me, not sure. I cook for them because I have to make sure they eat, I don’t care if I do, but I have bought food this week to make a huge casserole for myself. Though may get Hub to do that with me as he is a great cook. xxx

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