
Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Well I just can’t believe this one, this will make you say


OK, teen comes home, me to him,

“I need to go to the shop, but really don’t want to trust myself with Waggatail, will you walk with me and her?

“No, sorry Mum, I can’t I have to study!”

“It will take half an hour tops and if Bunches called you would go out at once stuff study?

“Mum, you just don’t get it; I need to pass my exams!”

“But you know Wagga is a nightmare next to the zoo/school? She is not safe?”

“Sorry Mum. Can’t.

Well, ten minutes later, teen comes into the conservatory.

“Hi Mum, guess who is here?

Yep, to my amazement, it was Bunches…

Well fifteen minutes later, I went up to get some money for the shop…. Guess who was up there, in teen’s bedroom, you know Bloggets, the room that is (Forbidden?)


Well, my flabber has never been so gasterd.

Anyway, I went to the shop, Wagga was fine, I did the first part of the walk, thinking, any moment, she will walk me up the drive she is fixated by, no she  didn’t. She was good, even avoided a car parked rather ignorantly on the pavement.

We got past the part where she crosses for a free run too and even past the sniffing garden without as much as a sniff.

Went past the two bus stops, the smell in the air was so much like a May day. Sweet fragrances.

The long walk past the zoo and none of the monkeys were out as thank God I waited until they were all at home, antagonizing their parents.

At the school, there is a park too for them to play, yes, monkey bars to climb on. Ha.

There were some youths on bikes, but they were fine, thank God the kids around here are really fine, quiet and respectable.

Well she turned the corners, didn’t pollute and found the shop door, always helpful.

She did well on the way back too.

I could not carry the offers. Two milk and two bread for whatever, you save a lot if you can, but needed Hub with his rucksack. Somehow, me and a rucksack don’t look good. I feel like I am carrying a man on my back and believe me, gone are those days? Hahahahahahaahahahahahahha.

Well we got past all the bad parts she is awful at and got home with me sounding a right one, in the best enthusiastic voice I could pull out of my shocked teen Bunches moment,

“Come on, come on Wagga, good girl come on, let’s go and get our dinner? OOOOOO dinner Wagga, where is it? Let’s go and find it?

I, mean, that is the only way she would work. I was shattered by the time we got home and thank God, Bunches was away back home?

She must have stayed half an hour tops?

What on earth was all that about?


I have my little friend with the stunning name on my back, about what I have to eat whilst Hub is away? Hahahahaha. She says she is the food police. She is such a dear friend and I love her loads.

Right will go for now, teen having homemade fish pie for tea……..

Oh look a pig has just flown over the house again? Xxxxxx


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