
Monday, 13 May 2013


Good day Bloggets, I hope this Monday has found you better than you were last Monday? If not, there is always next Monday?

 Hub and I really don’t deal with Sundays. We dislike them immensely and it stems from boarding school. It was a  Sunday night when we had to set off to school. The dreaded feelings of fearful loneliness, still sits in the pit of our stomachs.

My Husband kindly reminded me yesterday, that it has been almost thirty years, since I was in the middle of my modelling work, I absolutely was in shock, God, I don’t think I have ever felt so blooming old, and he found this really funny? So I just gave him a little rub on the front of his brow, where, how shall we say, there is a little more light getting to his skin, than he or I for that matter would like? Ha.

Teen has his Religious education exam today, until a few weeks ago, we didn’t even know he had that? It is compulsory in his school. This is fine, as he actually likes it, but exams? He just can’t deal with, so I really hope literally to God, he will be OK today? He is really really freeking out right now about his future. He is so desperately worried about money bless him. I wish I was in  more of a position to help him?  Hub is very strict about teen standing on his own two feet when he is eighteen, and I kind of agree, or he will never learn and when he is twenty six, he will still be relying on his Mum to bail him out, but I just wish we had told him this news when  he was a year older, as I never knew how much he would be affected by that news. He has tried for so many jobs, at least sixty since Easter. Not even got as far as an interview. Too many people for too few jobs. If he could just get in front of the person, he would get the job, as he is so communicative and appealing, four weeks he will not be a schoolboy anymore and this is really terrifying him.

OK, VIP Bloggets, have you tried of late to set up a Google mail account? Oh my God? It is impossible. I challenge you if you can’t see, to do it, I have done what is expected of me, but just cannot get  past the first page! I hate that bit where it says “Prove you’re not a robot? Why do the words when you press the sound button, have to sound so distort? Google also need to know my birthday? Why? And the best one, is why on earth do they need to know my gender? There is a male, female or other…Well, I am trying to set up an account for hub and myself, so I pressed other, and it asks for a mobile number, I left that blank as no star is next to it, but I bet if I put one in, I would be put onto the next page? On our blog page, they talk about  Google widgets? Do I want a widget? Well, forgive me, but there must be an ointment for that?

It is raining hard here today. My gardener was due. Believe me, I have been trying to get her here since March.

My friend Julie, told me today, that she was involved with the police? I was stunned as she is the sweetest person, but she went on to say, a neighbour was the one in trouble. She, my friend, had to rescue her cat, as it had been caught in a trap, in someone’s garden. Oh how sick?

Now I do understand, as a dog owner sometimes I refer myself as a zoo keeper, I would be fined if our dogs went into someone’s garden and rightly so, but cat owners don’t get, their cats are digging up plants/ bulbs, messing in peoples gardens and killing birds  that people love to come to their garden, also, why would someone want a cat in their garden?

But I could never do such an evil thing to any animal.

My other friend Vivi, has been feeding her friends four cats, whilst she was on holiday, that is fine, but she also was asked to feed, wait for it?

The hedgehogs? Hahahhahahehehehehehehhhuuuha.

I am serious. They have little bungalows in the back garden. A line of them an Vivi said she lifted the roof off them, and low in behold, there were little faces in each one, looking up at her.

They actually use them?

They look like proper mini bungalows, all painted beautiful too. I thought it would be a gimmick, but no. Cat food and mealworms were fed.  Vivi, was almost sick at having to do the worm thing? Ha. That is called a true friend, don’t you think?

Hub working down south today not back until well after seven. He is home tomorrow, I’m out and Wednesday he is home, I’m out, Thursday, he  is away working south again, guess what? I’m in.


OK, I must do some truly boring housework. With love.


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