
Saturday, 25 May 2013


Good day to you my Bloggets. It’s a beautiful day here and what a great day I have had! After all the bother about getting Hub home at one this morning, his flight was delayed and then the train, he took three hours to do a one and a quarter journey, as the first part he did by taxi, and Thankfully, I didn’t listen to the news, as the airport Hub was landing in, had a huge security scare. The headlines were rather disturbing, telling how a flight had two idiots on it threatening to blow up the aeroplane. Two jet fighters were sent up in the air and Hub said it was like a warzone when he landed, with soldiers and army vehicles surrounding the airport. I mean, who threatens to do that sort of thing this day in time? Poor people on the flight, they must have been scared stiff?

Well, we got Hub home safely that is the main thing. This morning, I went out with my great coffee cup friend. She picked me up in her posh open top car. We were like windswept beach babes by the time we arrived at our destination, it was so refreshing and fun.

We went to a place I went to a few months ago with Flexi, the Farm cart. A great place where you can pick your own strawberries when in season and they sell all home products, including pickles, jams and so on.

There is a lovely play area with an old tractor for the kids to play on. We went to the coffee section; I had a cheese scone and coffee and walnut cake. My friend had cake and tea and we had a lovely happy chat. It is so nice to see how happy she is as she has just become engaged to a really lovely person, so life for them is rather exciting. So a real girly chat and I bought some olives a large tub of them, Hub had brought me some delicious herb cheese from a market in Germany, so for lunch, we had olives and cheese, then took our drinks into the front garden, enjoyed the sun whilst we had it and chatted to our neighbours. Back in now, writing to you all and feeling good today, great to have Hub home, even for a couple of days, he is in Ireland on Monday, but tomorrow, we are spending the day with our brother/my brother in law. Teen and Bunches out today, she is leaving on the train to visit her friend for the weekend. Her friend is a nice girl, who has a famous relative from a soap I used to love.

Right Hub has the cricket on him loves that so much. He likes so much to listen to his sports. Oh found out today from Coffee cup, that they have cut down the trees from our back, hence the traffic being so annoyingly loud.

Later gators xx    

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