
Sunday, 26 May 2013


Do you have to be beautiful to be an angel? I guess angels are perfect, so in our world, perfection is beauty, but how about their world? If an angel came to you, stood at the bottom of your bed, and he or she was scary to look at, you would jump a mile surely?

 If that angel had a perfect face, you would smile and look with admiration? What if the angel had no features? No nose, eyes or mouth, but when you looked at the featureless face, you felt at peace, you felt such beauty around you. You knew that angel was stunningly perfect? Imagine that?

Have you ever seen an angel, or something that you thought was an angel?

I have three times. The first when I was about twenty four and the other two, in the past two years and each time I saw them, they were totally different. The first one was the most amazing one. He stood at the bottom of my bed; he was the width of the bed, a standard double and the height of the ceiling, from up there to the floor. He wore a long wide white gown and had enormous wings. He had long silver hair and a crown. I looked to where his face should be, there was the space and shape for a face to have features, but not a face as we know it.

I at the time was terrified of my own shadow. I saw things since I was a little girl, but always been terrified. I never spoke to anyone about what I saw, never. When I was first married, I played the grown up housewife, with our home, a two bed semi. My Mum would visit me, a seventeen year old young girl that I was; she would be worried about me having the front and back doors of my house open. I would tell her I was afraid of the ghosts and that is all I would say, not explaining anything, now she never used to say

“Don’t be ridiculous, there is no such thing, or ask what I had seen or if I had seen anything, she used to just say.

“It’s the living you need to be scared of, not the dead!”

I would usher her in the house, close the doors and make her a coffee, nothing else was mentioned about the ghosts. I remember the morning I saw the angel. I had a real bad night the night before with my x. He had gone to work. It was summer. The room was bright. I could see quite a bit those days.

I woke up, looked at the clock radio, it read in large orange numerals, the time, numbers which sadly I cannot remember, as that I am sure would be significant. I knew it was early, before nine.

I just could hear the sounds of the children on their way to school. The busses and the dog from next door, barking. It was before I had my son. I stopped breathing and as I did so this thing, appeared at the end of the room. I sat up in bed. I looked at it, and unlike before, it did not move. When this sort of thing happened before, it faded slowly towards the corner of the room. This didn’t.

I told myself, if I did n’t start to breathe soon, I would die?

But if dying was like I was feeling there, then, I was ready to die.

It was the most amazing feeling, ever. All the sounds from outside, went. I went into a zone. I felt without pain of my bruises and I felt the most loved I have ever done in my life. But a kind of love that I never before had experienced. It was not the love of a parent, or a lover, a best friend, brother or sister; it was a love that was not from our world.

The colours in the room were just simply beautiful. So much yellow, orange and pink. I was given some sort of electric. The the feeling of the electricity, I experienced a couple of years later too, when I was pregnant. My baby had not moved for four days, I just knew something was wrong with him, as he was a very active baby. Now, when I tell that story my Hub begs me not to tell anyone, as I do say myself, I sound mad when I talk about it, but I don’t really care, as I know what I feel, see smell and hear.

I heard words from this thing, I said out loud, still not breathing by the way, and yet could speek?

“You are Jesus Christ?

Now I am not a bible basher before you close this page, I don’t really have a belief. I have an open mind and know, there is something out there. I have my thoughts, but, in my blog I have talked about that before.

I never use the terminology Jesus Christ either. The thing, answered,

“It’s not your time to come yet.

I told him, I wanted to come, begged to take me with him, he smiled, remember without features, and again, said not your time.

He then very very slowly went.

What got me was I was not one percent worried or afraid.

When my Husband came home, I told him, he said two words,

You’re mad.

Perhaps I am? But what makes you sane people not mad, just because there are more of you?

The two angels I have seen since were when I was totally blind, blind to this world, but not to the other world. X

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