Sunshine in my heart
An early May start
Feel the breeze through my hair
Passing the walkways without care
The birds sing delightful tunes
I walk a mile to the sand dunes
The splashing playful waves
Flashing white
towards caves
I love the sea smells
Collecting colourful shells
In my hands I carry my sandals
Across the water I skim pebbles
Rolling my trousers up to paddle
Oh I am such a sea life rebble
Ha, I’m sure that was a mermaid
She was clear, but watch her fade
A child has left a well used spade
I can’t help myself but to pick it up
What a childish game
In the sand I write my name
Feeling the sun raise, got to watch my skin
Turning an angry shade of flame
Oh can’t leave the beach without a ride
On Jack the donkey
And a go on the slide
I hear the chimes of the calling song
The ice cream van waits all day long
Then at the end of the pretty pier
Next to the view of the surfers so near
And just beyond are the tall ships
I shall sit with a bag of fish and chips
My day at the coast
Is a dream to most
For me reality
Living next to the sea
Is a party and the ocean is the host
I am her guest
Walking on sands
Which is among the best
I love the Northumberland beach
And the lessons it can teach
With its rare birds and seals
It’s the real seaside deal
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