
Friday, 3 May 2013

Gateshead Metro Arena and EBay, you make me sick

My Hub is on the phone to try and book tickets for a hero in the music industry of mine. He is a fantastic guitarist and singer/song writer and I blooming love him, but getting through is a flipping nightmare.

We have been trying for over one hour.

Oh God I so want to see this man?

It is really cold in the house today. Sunny outside but so cold inside. My new crock pot arrived today, it is lovely a blue Denby casserole dish. Really nice and was a bargain at less than half price, from Amazon UK again. My favourite online way of shopping.

Oh talking about online, you know I told you about our dreadful experience of selling Hubs wonderful keyboard on EBay?  Well the person, who bought it, never did. So now we have been charged for selling something we have not sole. We have opened a case to try and get our money back, although we have not received any money, we still have had the money took from our bank, oh yes, EBay and Pay Pal, don’t waste time, do you know, they can take up to 15% for selling on EBay?  , Shocking. Just a  warning if you are selling on EBay, they take a fee, for placing item, fee for additional features, final value fee, which is charged as soon as your item sells even though you have not received the money from the buyer and there  is     a charge for  shipping and of course  Pay  Pal. So in future, I doubt we will sell on their perhaps buy. No wonder now, it is mainly shops who sell on there?

I am now on the phone, still trying to book these blooming tickets. Hub has to work as do I, but my job is not as important as Hubs, ha.

A long weekend in the UK. Bank holiday. I doubt we will be going anywhere but tomorrow the town I think is in order, can you imagine the amount of people in the town on bank holiday weekend?

Oh if you see us coming towards you, make some noise, or you may find yourselves with some bruises?

If you fall on me though, I promise a soft landing!

A friend of mine is visiting my BF and his wife SP this weekend; she will have a lovely time, as they always do. Vivi and BF, are both as mad as each other, but they will have lovely sensible SP, to keep them normal, well as normal as possible, ha. Good job the three of us are not going to be there with poor SP, would not be able to cope with us all, ha.

OMG, my phone has got through to the ticket office, you watch she won’t be able to hear me with our stupid phone when if she answers?

OK, just off the phone now, through the crackles I could just about hear her but she kept saying she could not hear me. Right, we can go to the concert, but no one will show us our seats because of  insurance purposes? If quotes, “We have  an accident, they are not insured to help us!” SO what if we have an accident because we trip down the stairs, or can’t find our seats? Answer, not our problem. Oh and we can’t have the guide dog there because of the noise. They will contact the RSPCA. So how do we get to them? Answer? Our problem. This makes me sick. She said  though, there is a way we can get around this. If we bring a “Carer” we can get them in free, but before that, we need a letter from our Doctor, specifying that we can not be “left alone, for 24 hours. Oh my God. This is what I mean when I say sighted people, you are so lucky, we just want to go to a concert. I phoned the Doctor, told the receptionist and she said, I had to put it in writing, then bring it to the surgery, pay money and they will  write a letter for me, I said well I have told you, she said it needs to be put in writing. Grrrrrrr!

OK I’m stressed for the day now but Gateshead Metro Arena and EBay, you make me sick.

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