
Monday, 27 May 2013


Hub safely in Dublin. He caught a train first and then the flight. Well assistance from Ryan air, didn’t come for him until 25 minutes before the flight was due to leave. He was sweating. He made it just. Once he got to Ireland, everything was great, was met at the airport by a colleague took to his hotel, which is a nice one and went into the lounge for a sandwich. He said the people were so very friendly. He said, before he knew it, there were six people at his table chatting to him. Ha. Oh if only everyone was like that? I would have loved to have gone to Dublin. I love the thought of Ireland. He is meeting with a lot of different people tomorrow and back home very late tomorrow night, the rest of the week, working from home.

It is way after the pumpkin hour and I am not at all tired. Or should I rephrase that and say, I have no desire to go to bed.

I have to be up early today though going out with lovely Liz. Not sure where yet, depends on the weather.

I might go on the bus with Waggatail and take her to the shops local, not as local as the one near the zoo, a bit further than that. Where Pets at home are and the coffee shop. There are a few other shops there too.

Oh God, my Hub is going to absolutely go mad when he comes home….. I don’t know whether to tell him by text, or by email hahahahaha. Anything but in real life. I have committed the cardinal sin.

I have moved the furniture in the conservatory.

OK, I admit I have a problem, it’s called boredom and cleaning behind things, so if that really is a crime, well, I’m guilty.

I am dreading Hub finding out, and of course I will have to tell him so he knows where things are?

Oh, it won’t be good.

It’s raining here. Our poor neighbours are in Wales on holiday, they say it is really really raining hard there and they are staying in a caravan. Poor poor people.

 Had an interesting chat with some friends online tonight/this morning. About religion. The question was put, If Jesus Christ came back now, and the Catholic Church would kill him. Well, that is going to get some sort of reaction? I know one should not get involved in religion or politics, but Fi Blogget cannot keep her mouth shut. I just said that there will always be wars, because it is I believe in our make up. We should all realise that there is only one God. One maker and he made us all. I also said, it is a shame that we have to belong in some religion, a team a group or a box with a label. Why? I wonder if religion was eliminated, would there be wars? Yes, I think, but they just would not say the word of their God. God would not be brought into the war.  Man, has to fight. Like animals, but they, do it to eat. We are not cannibals now. We may blame wars for religions, but really they are caused by greed. Thousands of young people die each month in war zones, for what? For liquid/oil?

Is a life really worth what you can pour into a bottle?

What do people gain by fighting? They really don’t improve their lives at all. In most cases, make it worse.

OK, we can’t all expect to get on and be best friends, but, at the same time, we don’t need to leave a Mother without her son, a wife without her Husband. A Daughter without her Mother, A brother without his sister. A friend without his best and closest friend, do we?

We were given such a stunning world and what do we do? Kill it. Flatten it and make it the hell it is becoming. See something beautiful, destroy it. Why? I just don’t get it. I really don’t!

If someone knows they are angry, can’t they talk about it? Get help? Why pick up a tool of pain and take out a life. After they have done that, how will they feel? What will become of their lives? They may not care, because their lives are awful and at the end. But, as I always say, you, they, never know what is around the corner.

Night my Blogget family. x

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