
Saturday, 18 May 2013


Good morning Bloggets. It is half past silly hour in the morning and I am here up and feeling fit… Through the day, I shall be a zombie, but through the night, ready to go.. Go where? Not sure, but going! I had an interesting day yesterday, my best friend Dooby, the other half of my Shooby, “Don’t ask?” sent me a text  to tell me some people from my old school were trying to contact me. I got home, and my other friend, sent me a message saying the same? Oh I was curious by this stage and went onto my lap top. Since then, I have spoken to a few people from my last boarding school. Gosh, all I can say is I now know, I am not the only one who has had real tough times of it.

You just never know who you are going to get in contact with, do you? I mean, it has been thirty years, since I saw these people.

Of course, I was two then?

I was!

“Stop it?”

One of the guys was an X boyfriend of mine; it is odd what I remembered about time spent with him. Things he bought me and food we ate at his Mums house. Innocent thoughts. He has six children now… Flipping heck? Glad I didn’t hang around? Hahahahahahaha. OMG? I’m struggling to keep an eye on my teen, one child?

Two more days with my Hub, before he goes on his travels to Germany. Oh God dreading it. I can’t stand it when he is away

My mad aunt coming in a month. Not sure what we will do with her this time? Bless her. It is her birthday the week before, so might take her shopping to pick anything she wants for a gift? Do you Bloggets think that is a good idea? Hahahaha.

Well the birds are singing and I am still awake. The thing is, I just can’t sleep. I have had my hour and now ready to get up for the day? I should have been a night nurse, don’t you think?

No, I’m joking, a nurse is not my thing.

Oh I found a folder with a story and some poems I wrote many moons ago. Hub read them on his scanner, not sure if that is the technical term, but you know what I mean? Anyway, I was horrified, as they were so badly written. I heard you saying, nothing’s changed? But I mean really, badly written.

How years mature you and make you not only think act and talk differently, but feel different and of course, look differently.

My teen keeps telling me,

“Mum, women look differently to what they did in the days when you could see?”

So they don’t have boobs and bits now?

OK, must sleep now, or try to? Take care where ever you are in the world? x

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