
Sunday, 5 May 2013


A beautiful memory of mine was when we were at our American family’s house, I have talked about it before but it was so lovely. Hub and I were sitting in the vast garden, with the odd sound of the golfers on the course to our distant right and to the left was Yam on the veranda, with my Son, where their chatting turned into a whisper as the commentary from the veranda informed us that there were a heard of deer, coming for their feed from the buckets that our DD kindly put out for them.

Hub was on a swing chair, that he absolutely loved and I was on a comfortable arm chair. We only made the sound of the ice in our cool juice as we sipped the relief from the hot sun of the day. How beautiful the deer must have looked? A whole family, they were fifteen foot away from us. Five metres. Yam loved her garden with every colour of flowers and the trees were in abundance, with every kind of wind chime and bird feeder you could buy.

A water feature trickled so quietly one could hardly hear it, but for sure we could hear the deer enjoying their easy catch for tea.

Though I was saddened by the sight of what we saw when we went around the shopping centre, there was deer food and right next to that, was guns, probably to blooming shoot them? So fatten them up then bang, but there was no killing that day, just loving, appreciating and feeling a peace that filled my heart with gladness and contempt, as the beautiful creatures were happy and that is how it should be!

It costs nothing to be nice to animals, nothing at all and nothing to be kind to people either.


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