
Tuesday 8 October 2013


Good day to you all Bloggets

The sun is shining and it’s rather warm out there. I had to be up very early this morning as work man number three came. My word.

Yesterday, I had a gardener visit me and our garden… Then the plumber to so called fix the leek. Oh he spent ten minutes in the house, told me I had a stain in the ceiling, I knew that, as it was obvious but then he told me I didn’t have a leek.

I said well where has the water come from? He said someone must have put a dish of water in the cupboard under the sink

“Say what?

No one did that, why would we? Well, £25 later he left. So water has come through our ceiling from under the sink, but has come from nowhere. Right, Hmm.

Think I may become a plumber!

I joke with my Husband as he does our radiators for us. I think he is so clever as I would not dare touch anything to do with water, air or radiators.

He’s home tonight late, off to Peterborough at six in the morning, then late afternoon, trains tubes and a flight to Norway. Returning late Thursday night. In the next two weeks he has Spain and Canada.

As I sat in solitary isolation last night in my living room, I felt that dreadful blanket of sadness which keeps covering me and wrapping me up so tightly, not allowing me to move.

I went to bed and just cried. My eyes are so sore with the rusty tears. I really don’t know how much more of this I can stand.

My poor Husband has to work for us to live, but I just wish he could get a normal job. It’s not only the fact that I am alone, but the fact that I want to be with him. All my childhood I wanted to be with my parents and my eyesight prevented it. Now my love and I can’t be together because again, eyesight won’t allow him a job. In a job where you can work 9 till 5.

The thing is, my Husband is really intelligent and has high profile at work, but, they need to realise this and not treat him like a machine.

To do South Africa and that included two overnight flights in five days, then London for two days, then Peterborough, Norway, Canada and Spain in less than a month, is in my opinion a criminal act.

You see, if we could see, we could work at our local shop or even in a highly regarded job, but the fact is, if there are ten people in the final choice for a position in the workplace, nine can see, one can’t, and they will always pick the ones who can see. Fact.

Yea I will get people who will say they can’t do that now days. Ha. Oh yes they can. They can do what they like. It’s been proven over and over again.

Teen left for college. Oh he does make me smile but he really is naughty. Did I tell you this story? Sorry if I did already, but I talk so much I could end up repeating myself, hahahaa. Well, he has a tutor called “Big Dave!”

Now big Dave bless him is five foot four. He has a really high voice according to Teen and Teen does an impression which is so incredibly funny. The voice is as though on helium.

Teen likes him but said last week that Big Dave was not impressed at teen doing press ups during a lesson.

I asked what?   Yep, my Teen finished his work and decided to do press ups on the floor in class.

Stuff the qualifications; it’s all about the image… Hahahah. Oh God what do I do? I am sick of asking him to study for his math exam in a couple of weeks. It’s his life, his choice, but it has been so hard to get him motivated.

I hope he will not be seeing the gf tonight and come home to study. I really do.  For his exams, he got a bunch of B’s and C’s, but he really has the brain to be an A grade student.  Having said that, he I hope will not go to university so what he has will be enough. I really may shock people saying I hope he doesn’t go to Uni, but, I really believe in the UK now, unless  you want to be a Doctor, Dentist  Solicitor teacher or something like that, it’s pointless. Most jobs need experience now, so why get into debt of almost £30,000 to be a shop manager or have your own business? Teen wants to have his own business as a computer analyst or work in coding, so what Good Will University do? Also he hates with a capital H, study. His mind works on its own. He can’t fill it any more. So a job every six months will benefit him and people like him more over the years he would have spent in that kind of higher education.

As for me working? I would love to. Though what I do here is a full time job. Really, I receive emails from people asking about these blogs and people asking  me to write poems for them as well as knowing how people who are on their own, or just want an insight into some one else’s life for a break from their day to day life, wait for a blog, is really important for me to deliver.

I try to vary the page from childlike poetry, that I love to write it is one of my many others dreams to write children’s  books you know, I can see all of the beautiful illustrations throughout the pages and for the blind children a book of sounds with different fabrics. The chocolate books I would write with my factory poems in it, can you imagine the faces of children as they open fragranced books on Christmas morning. I used to have a tradition I bought Teen as a young boy a book to read on Christmas Eve. It was always my dream to have my little boy,  all cute in his new Santa Pyjama’s, excited for the big man in red coming next morning and to put  him to bed with a story.

Really sadly my X Husband didn’t share this idea and thought it more advantageous, to visit the pub with his friends instead.

I still bought the book and knew from the stories as from my childhood, so made it up as I went along. I would get my boy to tell me what pictures were on the pages and go from there on. I was a very good actor and put more effort into it than I would have I guess if I were able to read it.

A huge failure in not being able to read Braille.

So now what. I have just heard my washing machine finish so will go to empty it and take it to the blooming garage to dry in the drier. Then get something to eat. If I don’t make myself, I end up not eating and then munching on rubbish. Until later my friends and Blogget family from all over the world, I shall wish you a happy Tuesday. X


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