
Friday 18 October 2013


Hi Bloggets, my Son is getting ready for his interview. OMG, he has been up stairs in front of the mirror and sink/shower/hair drier for one hour, and I have ran out of times that he has cleaned his teeth. He is coming to do his speech for me. He has five minutes to impress.  To show how he is different to any other. The interview is one and a half hours. It’s his first biggy. It will be good experience.

Didn’t get out today with Arty for dog walking, as water our maker sent, for drinks for the animals from the sky came down.

Hub on his flight to Madrid. I tried to phone him, it was awful, the realisation that I was too late. His phone switched off.

Teen got Hubs watch fixed in the town; I’m wearing it, until I take it upstairs. To have him closer to me. Pathetic, or what? I can’t stand wearing heavy things on my wrist so it won’t be on for long.

I have had some lovely comments on the poem I wrote about my Dad. It’s lovely how many Dads out there are special to their kids.

As for my Son and his father, sadly that will never be.

Oh my Husband told me a funny story yesterday. When he was going to the train station the other day, the taxi driver told him that a man tried to run across the road whilst cars were coming. He tried to beet the lights. He just got over, in time, his suitcase was not so lucky.

It got squashed. Hahahaha. The driver went onto say that whilst clothes were sprawled all over the road, people just stopped to take photographs on their mobiles. How kind are we as a nation?

Well, if he was late before for his train, he for sure would be after that. How bad is it if he was going on holiday? I wondered how well as a business idea it would be if a shop/stall, sold suitcases at the stations? Not that many people are going to do that, but people’s cases are always breaking in some way.

I’m looking forward to going out for a coffee tomorrow with my Geordie friend. She is adorable. It will break the monotonous weekend up. Teen leaving before lunch time and won’t be back till about ten on Sunday night.

Oh last night, we learned that our printer/scanner broke.

A nightmare, as that is how we read our mail.

Hub did get somewhat cross with not being able just to open a letter and read it. Rather than having to put a letter on the scanner, hoping it’s the right way, turn on your computer, press the appropriate keys wait for our computer software to talk, press the tab button and sit and wait for technology.

About five minutes per letter, sometimes to find out it is for the person who used to live here. Sometimes to learn it was the wrong way. Well, the letters are piling as no money to buy another.

Of course Teen could read them for us, but not sure what info gets passed on to the gf.

Not that we are working for Scotland Yard or anything. Haha.

OK, its Friday I shall try to write my fun with Fi blog. May be a while, sorry if it’s Wednesday before you get it? Haha haha. Xxx

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