
Sunday 27 October 2013


Oh I have my heart in my mouth. My beautiful Husband phoned me from the hotel. It is the time I get afraid. He is travelling again. This time almost home, then to Brussels and home. But, there are storms forecast. He sounded so close. I just wanted to open the door and walk into his room. His velvet voice spoke to me which melted my heart.

My Hub has four voices. His anger voice that he speaks to Teen in, his business voice, his silly little jovial voice and his voice I fell in love with all those years after we were children.

It was the latter voice he used today. I ached for him. The storms are coming to the UK and he will be flying into London. Then a train away again and then very late tomorrow night, home, I pray to God.

I bet there are disruptions. I fear this.

I just hope the angels will fly around his aeroplane and help it to land on time and safe.

Then take his train safely there and back home to me. What a hell of a journey. He leaves Canada at six tonight his time, gets in at six in the morning into London. Then about ten a train to Brussels. He is to meet some high profile people then after an all-day meeting, back home at what time not sure but think will be after eleven. So he will have been on the go 29 hours. Now tell me this is right?

He will be home a couple of days then off to Birmingham, so not so far, haha, but far enough.

My teen spent all day today on the computer, and yesterday as well. He has loads of forms to fill in, before they allow him on the shop floor.

Crazy, it’s all about health and safety. But they pay him to do it, so all OK. Though not sure it’s good for his eyes as his blooming IPhone is attached to him just hanging on for the gf to contact him.

He will be with her from tomorrow tea time.

My Canary, the Irish one, is doing OK, thank God. His little whatever on his head doesn’t seem to be bothering him.

He was singing his little heart out today to the radio.

Not fancying lemonade or chicken crisps tonight, but can smell cinnamon.

What’s all that about? X

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