Here I sit, in my back yard. Earphones on, volume on my computer
almost at max, to hear past the sounds of the cars. Hub told me a good thing yesterday;
we think we are starting to get some places, with the talking busses. I will
keep you in touch with that. I really hope so though, gosh, that would be
great, if we knew where we were going without having to remember and feel every
bump and turn on our roads. If I was on a bus on my own, well, first that would
almost take a miracle, but second, knowing me, someone would sit next to me and
tell me their life story, so I would be so confused trying to remember where
the heck I had got up to before they
began to talk to me? But if I had a little man in a little box, telling me the stops
that would suit me perfect. Also the buses are coming out where they make no
sound, Hub is against this, as we will get knocked over if we think there is
nothing coming, but at the same time, we will be able to hear when a bus pulls
in as well? As right now, at our bus stops, about five busses can pull in at
once and we don’t know whether we are Arthur or Martha.
All the sounds of the engines amalgamate into one loud
I just wish they would make engines so much quieter? Not
silent, but less raw.
If you remember, I bought a lily from the garden centre a
week ago? Teen planted it. It was orange. My friend said as we picked the best
one. I asked Teen on Saturday, if he could see for me how it was doing? He said
he couldn’t see it, not only that, he could not remember planting it? So where
is my poor lily?
Well, it’s the hottest day so far this year. I am roasting.
I have two dogs tied to my chair. I will have to take them in soon, as it is
too hot for them outside.
And too hot for me. Oh I hope the street cat does not visit
our garden, or my chair will be going for a fast unwanted ride across the
slabs, to taste a cat.
The birds sound really bothered with the heat even. Their
normal fast chirps, are as though their batteries are running low.
Well, its official, the itinerary has arrived for Oslo. It’s
there in black and white.
Teen spent the whole day with Bunches yesterday. He came
home by taxi. No Bunches Mum? He missed the blooming bus.
Teen said that her Mother was away working, so she could not
bring him home. I wondered if the kindness was dying after words from big sis
who will be returning from the US after being away for a year in a couple of
weeks. Hub and I were saying if they ever split up, I don’t know how teen would
cope. He really is relying on her love.
He came home early well, after one this afternoon telling me
he has an English exam tomorrow. Well, we weren’t sure if he had or not, if he
was allowed to take another one? He is. Oh I hope he does this one OK?
As I said his last exam in the lingo, he totally blew it as
we say in the UK.
Failed with a capital F
A’s and B’s all year for his tests and essays, but the exam
he just panickt.
It’s just odd not having him in school full time now.
It was really funny; he made himself a bacon sandwich. He
wanted cheese on it, I told him, no, he could have cheese or bacon.
He said I was boring.
I said I was realistic.
I went to make us a cup of tea. Oh this was funny, the
kettle was almost
empty, but he had boiled it? I asked.
Have you made a cup of tea, for yourself?
He answered, haven’t made it yet. I only filled the kettle
enough for one person, me.
I replied,
“Oh, well, I have only poured enough water for one, me!
Leaving him with no tea.
Only for a few
seconds though, but it was funny.
OK I shall go for now. My week has my artist friend coming tomorrow
Wednesday my friend coming Thursday A call with an important person and free so
far on Friday, oh, Thursday, someone is coming to fix our conservatory door. We
either can’t get in or out. Not really good? Xx
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