
Sunday 23 June 2013

HOT TUB AT 2 a m

Teen came in at five. He had a great time at the party last night. He and Sister Buns BO, went for a take away, just to fill their boots, as they thought, it would be finger food. The two lads ate chicken and then went to meet with the girls. Bunches and Sister Bun. With Mum and her new bo, they took a taxi to the event. It was in a huge field. They got out of the car. They were met by hunky guys on stilts, showing them where to go. In the large tent they went. Teen said it was done out like a fair ground. There were barrels with champagne and some other drink. There were car seats to sit on. There was an area where you could relax, sitting on cuddly toys with fairy lights and sound effects.

Outside were the coconut stall, a large carousel and other games. A hot dog stall which did enormous frankfurters. There were tubs of popcorn too. All free. Heaven for kids?

After teen had a great night there, they were picked up by Daddy Bun and went to his house, and spent the early hours in the hot tub……

I didn’t ask, as well as not asking about sleeping arrangements.

The birth of Prince William and Kate’s baby is to bring quarter of a billion pounds to the UK. With merchandise.

Well, I have the most humongous pot of every vegetable you can think of. I have made the sauce and it’s ready for tomorrow. I am looking at it thinking, I would really rather not bother. I just have a problem with eating and I am enormous? Mad, or what?

I am missing Hub so much. It is killing my insides. I feel like I am being eaten away from inside.

Right off to do some work and prepare myself for people from guide dogs coming tomorrow. I’m so dreading it. I don’t think it is going to be good news.


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