
Friday 21 June 2013


Teen just left for school thank God. Another dreadful chat with him. The thing is, we can be talking normally, and then suddenly, he will just blow up? Oh it is such a reminder of his Father. I just can’t cope with it. He brings me to tears every day. This reminds me of just how very week I am. I am scared by his Father in fact everything from my past. Tears come to the front of my eyes and I just can’t stop them. Today I got told he wished I was not in his life. How I am pathetic and never go out. I am useless. It is his Father all over again. We were joking, sitting at the table and laughing. Then, then dreaded Bunches word was used. Well to cut a long story short, he said if Bunches goes to London, to University, He will move there and they will get a place together. Now I should have at that point said lovely Son. Walked away. Then he would have got at me for walking away when she is spoken about. So it would have all kicked off then. So I just said calmly,

“Do you know how much it costs to live in London?”

Oh well, that was that. An explosion occurred.

Now I am left in silence with his voice booming through my head and heart.

I wish I could just not say anything, as it is, we avoid each other, then I get how he feels unwanted.  not homely. I just can’t win. Then I read a message on Facebook that I am going to post to my teen via email. Here it is, thanks to this wise person.

Weldon Morgan

Sometimes truth can strike us as negative. After all, it is our judgment that determines whether something is negative or not. When confronted with information that doesn't fit the story we have in our heads about how things should be, we often close our minds and ward Our knowledge of that information may be just what we need to grow into our next level, but if we don't let it in and consider it, we shoot ourselves in the foot.

      Oh, isn’t that perfect?

Tomorrow I am out with my friend Flexi and we are going to have a coffee and a girly chat. It has been too long since I saw her and she is the sweetest.

 Hubs work phone keeps going and I pick it up, and there is no answer.

So it is ringing now, I’m not rushing to get it that is for sure.

It’s red hot today. I am going to clean my conservatory windows now. I love doing that. Sad or what? I can’t reach my front window though because of our lovely red bench.

Oh, Good news bloggets. My X, has admitted, he has a new job. He told my Son. So I hope money will resume from him? If it does, Teen will not be getting as much as he was, because the money he has wasted over the past few weeks is absolutely shocking. So he will be in for a shock?

Heard from my friend Coffee cup today, it is her birthday tomorrow, so I would like to wish her a very happy day.

OK on that note, I will write later I am behind work today as I didn’t go to bed till two this morning and for the first time in ages, I slept in forever today and my body needed it, I was exhausted. I turned off my mobile before I went to sleep after three, as Hub lets me know when he is in then I can relax, now whether  he is in  his room or not, not sure, but he puts my mind at rest a bit. The time gap between here and the US, is too much.

Later gators with love and hugs. xxxxx

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