
Saturday 22 June 2013


Good morning. I went to bed at half one. Was really tired but, my Teen phoned me at quarter to two. We were cut off as it was a bad line. He called from Daddy Buns house phone and I couldn’t hear him. The reception is even bad from a land line and he called my mobile, so can’t blame my stupid house phones?

Then he called me from his mobile at two. Then at twenty past two, he text me. Then again, at quarter to three, so I got up. I will go back to bed later just can’t sleep. My eyes feel like they have sand in them, it’s awful I have some friends who suffer from sleep acne? Is it called? Or sleep deprivation? Well it means they wake up so many times through the night because they can’t breathe or they stop breathing. Well, it would be nice to get to blooming sleep?  

I tell you the truth; I never sleep more than two hours without being awake for half an hour after then. I wonder what it would be like to sleep for six hours at a time?

I have never been able to do that, unless I have had an operation, then they like to wake you up?

My dogs are all flat out and our Canary, Irish, is making his little cute kissing sounds as though to stir for the day? I hope he does, as he has been alarmingly quiet.

Well, the count down for guide dogs coming on Monday… Then Tuesday is Hub and my Anniversary he returns in the afternoon from the States and my mad aunt is coming.

We are off to her favourite restaurant. Lewis is. Oh as long as she doesn’t follow him in the kitchen this time? Poor man was traumatised?

I have bought her some gifts as it was her birthday last week. I knew she was coming so just kept them, pointless sending them. It’s just some nice shampoo and body lotion. Quite deer. The shampoo, was £10 and the cream / body lotion, was just over that. I feel like I haven’t got her much though, looks nothing, but at the end of the day, it is quite expensive. We naturally pay for her taxi’s, that is £20 and of course her meal. We are kind of hovering at the moment with money; still don’t know if Hub will have a job we will find out at the end of the month.

We won’t count things like the garden centre will we? Just keep that hushed Bloggets.

I’m hungry. Just remembered, I had no tea again. God, I wanted to make a nice meal, but teen went yesterday again at four.

I asked him did he have a nice time. He said he had, but didn’t sound too excited about it? Mind you, Teen doesn’t really do excitement.

Having said that, I could tell, he had a few drinks. I absolutely hate that. In fact, I would go as far as to say I am appalled. So young killing his body. I just have to keep telling myself,  hopefully, he will outlive me, so if he get’s to fifty, well I won’t know about it, that is presuming, I am dead before I am eighty? If not, a little older please? I just don’t want to see it.

I really don’t know why I am so against drink? Don’t get me wrong, I do drink, and I quite like some, but I can go six months without touching a drop. I wish I was as good with chocolate and crisps? Mind you, we have had some in the cupboard this week and I have hardly touched them?

I’ve just seen what it does to people’s insides and skin. Not to mention, their brain?

I guess I am called a bore. OK, I’ve been called worse?

But he is a kid. Under age for drinking. But they are all doing it.

Much more than I would like, so that’s more than once?

Well, if he has a hang over with the drinking, I hope his head hurts him today?

The birds outside are singing, so this is my queue to go to bed. I shall talk later and I have a real funny story for you, remind me please, it’s to do with someone at my door? xxxxx

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