
Thursday 13 June 2013


Hi Bloggets, OK, had a busy day for sure. We woke up early, rushed out for the bus to go to the bank. Sat in there for about an hour, talking about this and that. Had a cup of tea there too, that was much needed, as, oh God we got lost, only because the council have rather rudely in my opinion, dug up the roundabout on the main road into town. Now then, that would be OK, if, one, we knew about it, and two we didn’t find out about it, until the blooming bus didn’t go around it, so our bendy bit, didn’t happen, so we normally get off after the bendy bit, well there was no bendy bit, because they were digging it up!

Still with me?

Well, in other words, we were on the bus longer than we intended. Got off near the train station. Oh God.

Well, after an Italian, and a couple of Swedish people telling us they also didn’t know where our street was, as they were not from around here, we found someone who was English….



 But they also were not from around here…

We got to the bank in the end. Stressed ever so slightly as we had an appointment, well to cut a  long story short, one main thing we wanted to do we forgot.

But we did get home OK and then the packing started.

Oh boy, I can’t tell you how many outfits I have packed? Hahahahaha. I thought Hub would go mad, but he actually told me to take another one, I thought he was being funny, but no he was serious.

I am cooking now, well, it’s in the oven, and I’m not exactly cooking and typing?

For teen tomorrow and for snacks for him. So chicken and sausages in the oven.

Making his tea for tonight and I have told him what there is to eat, and what goes with what?

My Brother in law will pop through to see if he is OK, but still rather worried about leaving him.

I hope Bunches will not come, though I somehow think the temptation of not doing will be too much.

Hub did say before he is not sure it is worth all the stress?


Well, I haven’t left him for more than one night before and that was a couple of months ago and it was for the one night only.

Also we were two miles away.

At least he has the three beasty girls to look after him.

Oh I took something out of the freezer yesterday, something we made, like a homemade soup or stew. Only problem is, we can’t tell if it is meat free for me? So off to ask Hub to sample some. Then finish packing. Not sure I am taking my lap top, I am rather tempted. If I can, I will blog. If not, I will blog on Monday morning and I will have loads to tell. I hope I will take it, as me without my laptop, is like a bride without her groom!!!!!!!

So take care my Bloggets and I would like to wish my coffee cup friend and my bf, a very happy birthday for Saturday and Sunday. With love.


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