
Saturday, 1 June 2013


Oh this is a funny story Hub has just told me, using his fantastic voice / impression of an Irish accent. When he was in lovely Dublin a couple of weeks ago, he went for a late night sandwich in the bar, as his flight didn’t arrive in Ireland, until late.

Before he knew it, there were six Irish men sitting at his table being so lovely and friendly. When Hub got up to leave, a man came to him and asked if he could have a try of Hubs white cane?

Hub said, next thing he knew, was,

The man took his cane, and began to tap around the bar. Hahahahaha.

He shouted to his friend.

“Seamus, come and have a turn at this?

Paddy stood up and asked for a try. Then the two men were tap tap tapping about, leaving Hub standing there with tears in his eyes, of laughter.

First man said come on Seamus, it only protects you up to your belly?

Then Seamus shouted over the bar.

“God, it’s not long enough, to protect my belly!”

 Then there were about four guys all waiting in line to have a go of Hubs white cane? Hahahehehehe.

He said the people were stunningly lovely, friendly and so funny. If you were here and could hear Hubs impressions, you would laugh, he does the best accent.

Oh I would love to go to Ireland, always have wanted to go there, but again, how would two blind people go anywhere? I mean we could of course go to the airport and fly then go to the hotel by taxi, but after then? Somewhat stuck.

Oh, teen gone to bed, no bad words, but really infuriated me about the rubbish my X has been telling him this week?

Such unbelievable lies and teen, half believes him, but, my x was very very believable you know? Though really makes me out to be such a bad person what he has been saying. I really don’t know why some people who are divorced, bring the kids into their stupid games, but worse, how they can tell such dreadful lies? Oh he makes me sick. Teen is messed up enough without any interfering from his Father.

Bunches sister is coming from the US, where she has been working for Vogue for a year. Well there and Australia. Apparently, the big sister has had words with Bunches, to say, she is spending too much time with teen. So now? Bunches is not talking to her sister.

I for sure can see the sister’s point.

I bought some stunning new clothes online the other day, they arrived, and I never knew what the heck they looked like until I opened the package. I showed Hub them today, he loves them, as do I. I got a long skirt, and two tops. They are really long and the jewels on one of them are so pretty. It is purple and the other one is every colour you can imagine.

They are both really long and the material is stunning. Anything that is long enough to cover my bum, is good for me, well, for anyone looking, haha.

Oh God, must tell you about Waggatail tomorrow. Oh God, a phone call is in order. Xxxxxx  



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