
Tuesday 4 February 2014


Glad I am going out today, even for a short while, and it will have to be a short while, as the housework is crazy. One day off and you would think we had been broken into.

I am won up today, I woke up in one heck of a mood, and it didn’t help that teen cleaned out his room…. Again, and his idea of cleaning his room equates to dumping all of his things on our landing.

So his washing basket empty bags, a part from our vacuum, an old school bag, when I say old, it was bought a year ago and cost £45.

A total waste of money as is the clothes on our banister. There must be about six outfits. Now are they for the wash or bin? I think latter.

A real throwaway society. His black work trousers are about two month’s maximum old and of course he hasn’t worked for a month.

He has had the decency to put some things that were given to him for sentimental reasons back on our drawers in our room rather than throw them out, but shows what they meant to him.

Anyway, everything has been put back in his room.

At least he has gone to college today.

He went to bed early last night and slept early too so I think it helped him to feel better.

The sun is out today and I must go now to eat some up. Collect things from the dry cleaners and see what teens sweatshirt is like.

I will be back in later hopefully calmer?


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