
Tuesday 11 February 2014


Bloggets. Family pamly shmamly. My family are my friends. I have no idea what I would do without some of my friends in my life. I have had the oddest day. I have entered the day a new age with a huge change in life for me. Hub and I received some news yesterday that shuck our world ever so slightly. Let’s just say there are undulating paths to walk and hills to climb over the next months, but my birthday started with friends putting a smile on my face and taking my mind away to a place of perfect playful nonsense a place I belong. I am grateful for that. My Husbands gift didn’t arrive though it was sent out a week ago, but my gifts have been my dear friends. And the day is young. My friend is coming over at eleven today and then out with Geordie, back home in time for Hub coming home and to see teen.

I really don’t need a gift what I received tonight was a shop of parcels.

I had my friends laughing as I told them about my loving mad aunt’s gifts coming.

She said it would be hard to get into the box it was sent in, boy, was she right? But I did and I smiled. A smile is worth more than anything.

A new day, a new year, a new age. For the first time in my Sons almost seventeen years, he knows how old I am. Haha.

I am such a lyre when it comes to my age.

Thing is, I have the humour of a thirty year old, the childish behaviour of a nineteen year old but the soul of a eighty year old.

I received a song from a friend from Japan too that was great and some beautiful words from a girl who I have become so close to. People are really important to me. More so than gifts of fortunes. Now I shall go to bed a lot better than I was feeling some hours ago. I feel drunk on gratitude.


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