
Friday 14 February 2014


Good morning Bloggets. I have had some good sleeps for two nights in a row now. Where I have only woken up two may be three times. This is so rare; normally I wake at least half a dozen times. I have felt ready to wake too. Whereas when I have lots of interruptions, I feel dreadful when I get up. My dogs for sure are not ready to wake. You should hear the snoring? It’s as though Fifi Blogget is living on a farm. The tractors are working hard.

Oh you know I have been trying to do well with my weight? Well I have been losing about two apples per week. I know this is silly, but if I think about it in weighing terminology, I can’t lose any so I do it in what I can physically feel the weight of.

Well, I knew I had a couple of really bad days may be three. I have gained 6 apples.

So almost all that I have lost since the start of January.

Feeling really fed up about it.

Also I am really panicking. I have a wedding to go to on the 9th of March and I have nothing to wear. If I dare to say this to my Husband, he will be disgusted in me as my robe is full to overflowing.

But casual clothes or evening wear.

I bought a coat remember in the sales I thought I could wear, but, when I think about it, how can I?

When I was thinking about it, I was imagining waiting around cold damp train stations and waiting for taxis.

Not sitting among the congregation then onto a lunch then party afterwards.

So I wear and carry a winter coat around? No, it will look awful.

I tried on a dress with a small jacket I bought when I was in America with my Yam.

Oh God, I looked awful in it. I’m far too big now and it’s rude. Its right up my legs, so no way on earth I can wear that.

I feel sick with what to do.

I can’t justify going out to buy more clothes, no way.

Later I will look again and see if I can find something that will match the lovely top I bought with my friend Di.

I fear I will look like a bag lady though.

 That’s a strange expression we have? Bag lady?

What is a bag lady even?

My Dad used to say about my sister in law; she looked like a potato sack tied in the middle.

He also used to say, she would look “Knout” dressed in gold. Haha haha

He said it to her face too….

He was too cute for anyone to take him serious. Though he was soooooooooo right.

My birthday present still hasn’t come from Hub.

It’s a real shame.

I spoke with my lovely friend from Mexico yesterday. She was really lovely. I so miss her.

I am really worried about her and my English stolen Dad, they are not at all well.

But they charge on as though still in their forties and my DD now I think is 85?

He is amazing though so intelligent and my who I call Yam, as she used to sign her letters

With love from your American Mum.

So Yam for short.

She has a young mind inside a body which won’t work like a rebellion teenager.


I’m not sure if I told you last night, but, Hub has gone to Geneva and let me know at midnight, he couldn’t get his phone charger to work.

Great, a flat phone. No communication.

I’m hoping he will get it sorted today?

Right, so much to do paperwork and letters to write again.

I will be back soon with something I find really interesting….


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