
Thursday 27 February 2014


Good evening. Browsing the news online tonight, this is all I could find that wasn’t totally depressing.  I don’t know why I read the news; it’s just full of violence and bloody wars. I also learned that the amount of pregnant women who are getting admitted to hospital with drink and drugs overdosing, are on the raise. Absolutely disgraceful. These people should be sterilised and never allowed to have children. Not ever.

 Security agency GCHQ, intercepted sexually explicit material as it harvested webcam images from millions of internet users, it was claimed today.

So, I say. “And?

I mean, if they catch the scum who are involved, great. I have nothing to hide so look at what you like.

A “mind boggling” cache of personal data has been discovered for sale on the online black market. The trove included credentials from more than 360 million accounts and around 1.25 billion email addresses.

“Now that’s scary?  Where were GCHQ then?


Two beavers were caught on camera playing at night while a third one (in background) is gnawing a tree on the banks of the River Otter, Devon.

Wild beavers in England for the first time in centuries

Let’s hope we don’t kill them off?


A BABY boy who was flown to Scotland after surviving a catastrophic gas explosion that wiped out his family in Pakistan was recovering last night after surgeons carried out a successful operation to reconstruct his face.



A hospital which put an elderly patient on a controversial end of life 'pathway' without telling his family was criticised by a coroner yesterday.

And that is that Bloggets. Take away boring politics and wars, there’s nothing to report. For me, my Hub left New York and went by train to Boston today; he should be soon on his way back to New York. It’s a long train journey.

My boy goes away tomorrow to visit his Father. One good bit of news is, he is going without the girlfriend.

Snow is forecast here and I can tell you, it’s freezing cold. Just hope there are no interruptions with Hub coming home on Sunday. God I miss him, I really need him home. Thankfully I split the day up a bit with my friend today, it’s not only missing him, I truly can’t bare life without him. I find it odd when I hear couples joking, well, I say joking, but they blooming mean it, when they say they are glad to be without their partners for some days? I mean maybe it’s because they are with each other a lot? Hub and I don’t see much of each other. He is home one out of four weekends

OK, before I go a joke? No? haha. There not that bad, are they?

An idiot decided to start a chicken farm, so he bought a hundred chickens to start. A month later, he returned to the dealer for another hundred chickens because all of the first lot had died. A month later he was back at the dealers for another hundred chickens for the second lot had also died. "But I think I know where I'm going wrong," said the idiot. "I think I am planting them too deep."

Smile? You’re on the Blogget camera. Haha.

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