
Friday 21 February 2014


Part two

Our friend Debbie phoned and said it was late in the day, but she would love to come and see us in the hotel. Great, wow? How brave too as she also is blind and had a long journey to visit us. Hub went out to walk LC and on his way back, he brought Debbie who had met with him in reception. Hub heard her getting out of the taxi so that is how he recognised her.

As she had her dog with her so a bit of a clue when he heard the instructions being given.

We ordered a bottle of wine and that was rather nice. We talked and talked. Now then, her dog I’m sure wanted to talk to LC, and I know LC wanted to play with Cherry, but they were on their best behaviour in the hotel.  If only they were on a field together, they would love it.

Oh Cherry the guide dog of my friend was so lovely. A Yellow retriever.

Debbie has just received her degree. She is Master of Science, I’m sure that is her title.

Wow, she is clever; she has studied psychology and criminology too.

Such a brain. She is desperate to find work, but like a lot of blind people, is struggling.

She is positive though and has a bright future.

We had a lovely afternoon. We laughed for sure and Hub is great, he gets on with my friends and talks the talk. My friend and I said goodbye and I thought to myself how brave she was to do such a journey by train herself. I know people do this, but she was not too confident a couple of years ago, but now thanks to her guide dog and determination, she gets everywhere.

It was really kind of her to travel an hour to see us.

Then off for the meal. It’s not cheap to eat in a hotel, but if you can’t see, to trapes around the streets, is a bit of a nightmare.

We took LC and off we went to hunt for the dining room

Guess what? She found it. She remembered it.

I had vegetable soup and it was amazing, then stuffed beef tomato with baby baked potatoes and vegetables. My tomato was stuffed with tiny green beans, peppers and herbs with a cheese on top all melted in. For dessert, I had my fave, the cheese board.

Hub had some kind of fish for starters, and for main course, another kind of fish, with a pastry filled with a sauce and vegetables with mash and for dessert berries cream and ice cream

Coffee to end the meal with.

And LC, found the front of the hotel and we went for a walk so she could pollute the streets of Scotland.

Back to the hotel, I must say, the road we crossed was a little scary, as it was one of those roads which are really wide. You cross as nothing is coming and half way across, there is a car coming at speed. Your there thinking, oh my God. Where is the path?  It went on forever.

Up the kerb and back to the hotel.

I ran a bath now this is funny as it’s one of those baths with the glass cubicles in the room, God knows if our curtains were closed properly, and we were on the ground floor and I also put lights on in our room. Now why? Again, God knows and he’s not saying.

So lights on dark outside and a gap in the curtains with a Fifi in the bath. Lovely… Not…

Oh the toiletries are lovely at that hotel too. They smell of peppermint and the other thing is lavender.

Now I say other thing, as I have not got a clue if I am washing myself in shampoo, conditioner or shower gel.

All bottles look the same.

The funny thing was, Hub found a box on the bed when we arrived. He handed it to me saying it was a couple of mouth fresheners you sprayed in your mouth? Hmm. Thank Goodness, I checked it out? It was a good job I didn’t spray it in my mouth as one was a pillow spray and the other was a roll on for your pulses. I presume that was what they were anyway, as they smelled of lavender, so if I had sprayed this in my mouth, my tongue would be tired. Haha.

The bath was huge. Really long.

Oh there is something so tranquil about a nice hotel.

After my bath, I made sure my boy was OK, Hmm, he was more than OK, he was out….

Never the less, he did call me back when he got in with his friend.

God knows what time he went to bed?

I had the best night’s sleep in the world.

The bed was enormous.

I love the hotel as you never hear anyone passing. It has loads of doors, so whether or not this is why it’s quiet, I don’t know.

A peaceful perfect night on a plump pillow and a safe feeling of love.

Now the next morning we had to wake up at half seven. We were to have breakfast and go to meet with our friend I have never met before.

We have been talking on Facebook for about eight months. But I have not met her until Thursday.

I have written about her before. She is originally from Poland but now is a Brit. She is the most amazing person and I have had months to learn about her, but Hub hasn’t and I tell you, he was left with a hand print on life. A lesson for sure.

I have said it before; I would love to write her life story. She is a movie in the making.

But until that day, I had not met her so I had excitement but also hoped we would get on as well in real life as we did on Facebook?

She can see perfectly fine, so I didn’t need to worry about her meeting with us.

Before we would meet, I had breakfast and had to catch a train. We had a forty minute journey to make.

I must say the trains in Scotland, are fantastic. The staff really are great and they seem as easy to use too as you never wait for assistance.

Debbie told us if you are blind and live in Scotland, you receive free rail travel. In Scotland only though. This is brilliant.

If they get their independence though, not sure they will still do that as I’m sure it is the English who pay for it, I know Scottish people receive free prescriptions too if you are over an age, I think that is right, and we pay for it. This is what I don’t understand why Scottish people would want to become independent from England, as I’m sure those perks won’t be able to stay in place?

But how good is that, I mean, we as blind people can’t get in a car so they make it so Scottish people can travel free of charge. Amazing.

I was texting my friend Magda all the way and we were both getting more and more excited.

What would she look like to us? She was cheating as she can see our photographs on our Facebook pages, but I didn’t know what she looked like obviously, but when I saw her in real life, I would find out in a blind persons way.


Now what way is that?

Part 3 to follow

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