
Monday 3 February 2014


 I don’t know if I am coming down with something, but I feel so tired, really chilled to the bone too. I had a lovely day in the town, didn’t quite get into the village to pick up Hubs suites and teens sweatshirt, but the town shouted for me instead. I had vouchers for £30 for the shop where I should have received the bed from for our friend from Russia. The bed that went a miss. Well, I went into the shop and thought I would buy a nice big picture/painting for the wall in the sitting room…

Found out that the huge department store, only sold ladies clothes and shoes.

With all of the offers they had on, I came out with a beautiful soft wool coat, a jumper and two lovely tops, one in cream and the other in teal.

The total price of them should have come to about £350, but with the vouchers and the other offers they had on, I ended up paying £47

Not bad hey? Then had a lovely cup of tea and chase cone from M&S with my friend and I passed by more shops that we both went into then the bus home. I made the tea when I got in, my boy had pealed the vegetables and Hub was in from London early.

Teen not very well at all.

I have had a funny week. I keep getting startled. Feelings of guilt that I haven’t seen my Mum for ages.

Yes, it has been ages, as you all know; my Mum died 15 years ago last month.

Three times today, I wasn’t even thinking about her and I actually jumped with shame.

Then when realisation kicked in, oh the feeling was dreadful. Almost grief again.

I have been to this cruel place five times in total over the past ten days or so.

I wonder why?

Tomorrow I shall have taken two in getting Hubs dry cleaning, but until then, I must sleep. I think I had about two hours last night/this morning and I cannot keep my eyes open.

Let the dogs all out, give them a drink and as well as lock up, make sure the lights are all off.

Then I bet I will be wide awake.

Anyway, a lovely day and let’s see what tomorrow has in store? X

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