
Sunday 23 February 2014


Oh my word. Why is life not easy? My friend Julie came yesterday. It was really great to see her. She is so beautiful. I love her. We have been friends for ages, years, since my Son was about five. We had a Pizza for supper and some wine. We had a bottle and Julie brought one.

A great night of catch up. Breakfast more talking then after a couple of hours, out to lunch. We went to our Chinese.

I am sad to say again it was not so good as before, it has times when it’s like this. None of us were wild about the food.

Shame really.

Came back and sadly said bye-bye to Julie and off on her journey she went back to Northumberland.

The dogs went crazy and LC, picked up Waggatail, and next thing was the bird cage was on the floor. I screamed. Dogs ran like mad and Hub and I couldn’t find the bird. I ran upstairs and cried. My baby bird, I love him. He was dead.

Oh I felt so sick. Hub said he found the cage with the doors opened.

Where was the bird?

It took ages to find him. Floor full of seed.

 It was awful. Our neighbours J and Mel, came and found our Canary

Oh my God, I felt so ill.

He was OK though. He is now in his cage he has sung a little bit. Oh God, I know he is a bird, but I love him. Also, if he is hurt? I mean, I don’t think we are out of the woods yet.

Not sure where teen is today. Can’t get hold of him to chat. He called before but the signal was poor so lost him. It’s wild with wind here. Drained after the half hour of Hub trying to find the bird without standing on him. He made no sound so really thought he was dead. Oh the mess too. Hub and I got two bits of news yesterday.

I will promise I will let you know when I can.


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