
Friday, 28 February 2014


Good morning Bloggets. Gosh, my head is a spin, as I sit here with the house in silence apart from the clicking from the now turned off radiators, cruelly letting me think that someone is knocking at the windows.

Well I have done the worst job and let my beasty girls out for their last pollutions of the night. Doors locked and all safe.

My friend came around and kept me company, so the long night flew. Her and I are going away for two nights in a couple of weeks. It’s kind of a job as her Dad arranges coach trips, so hotels give out free stays at their hotels so they can be tested if you like, to see if they are suitable for tourists to travel and stay at their hotels?

So we have to go to the touristy places and see what they are like and go to an exhibition where all the hotels Show their goods.

For that, we get a couple of nights in the hotel and a free evening dinner and breakfast.

Very nice. We will be able to play hotel inspectors; do you think I should lift the mattresses and look underneath? Haha. And do the white glove thing looking for dust on the top of the pictures?

Or just enjoy the meals oh and one of the places we have to look at is the Chocolate factory. Yummy. Do you think I will see our Pixy’s and gnomes?

Also we are visiting a glass blowing factory

I told my friend tonight, about the time when BB went missing, it was a couple of hours when we realised poor old BB was not in the house. Teen found her outside the front door shivering, as it had been raining.

Another time he looked out of the window, I don’t know, it must be a sixth sense or something, him looking out of the window at the right time I mean.

He saw a man holding the two dog’s collars

Ran out and got them another story how they got out. I will tell you one day.

Then he was again looking out of the window when we were in Hubs parents’ caravan and saw LC being chased by a bull. And I had a blonde moment tonight when I said to my friend in a rather worrying voice as I had never thought about it before.

“Funny isn’t it?

How it’s always teen who looks out of the window?

Well, there was silence as I computed how I could be such a bad mummy to my dogs, and whilst my friend probably thought.

Oh my God, well, you Fiona wouldn’t be looking out of the window? Haha.

Then it dawned on me. What a Charlie

I still forget I can’t see you know?

I guess this is a good thing.

Now it’s one in the morning, I should go to bed. Tomorrow I am out with my friend and her Mum. So should sleep. But don’t want to go upstairs on my own.

Teen is too far away and my Hub also is in another country.

The five hour time difference too is a pain.

Well the good thing is, my boy is home tomorrow night. As for his time with his Father? He seems to be enjoying it. This is good. Has he got shoes?


Did he go to the gym?


Where did he go?

A pub to watch a band. And of course drink alcohol at sixteen.

Where is he going tomorrow?

A hike.

Well, it’s free.

Where does my x like to go after a hike?

The pub.

Well, let’s pray to our God that he doesn’t drink enough to make him over the limit? And my boy is not stupid this time and doesn’t get on the train home mortal drunk?

Oh my Gosh, my front door steps? I will give you step gate tomorrow. On that note, nighty night. X


Good afternoon Bloggets. Well, there is still sound in my little quiet avenue of all sorts. The builder is still here. He is talking to someone. Has been a lot today. Just hope he is not getting slowed down, or we may have stoppage time?

 I asked my x to take my boy to Newcastle shops to buy shoes, last thing I heard was the x said he was going to take him to a town called Blyth? Haha. Oh I’m not being funny, but times have changed since the days when children young people will wear plastic?

My boy didn’t know what the shops at Blyth were like and when I told him, he recoiled in his seat on the train. He rang me I’m sure under cover, as he is using a very old phone as his IPhone has bust. So not wanting to take his embarrassing phone out in public, wonder how he managed? It’s all about the look you know?

I will always remember when my x and I were trying to sell our house. We were on holiday at the time, somewhere in the UK. My Son was a baby and my phone rang in my hand bag.

I panicked and grabbed my phone before it stopped ringing. In those days, I didn’t have talk on my phone and didn’t do things like last callers number and so on?

As I stood on the promonard, gulls flying around, gentle breeze and holiday makers all I’m sure looking at this mad woman, with her mobile phone half out of the bag, as it was tied or trapped in there, with a chain of nappy sacks attached to it. Hahaha.

So there I was huddled bent over my bag, trying not to pull anything else out of my bag, with pink poop sacks stringing a line of shame.

So I’m there with the teen.

Oh it’s stupid I know, but I miss him so much even though he gives me grief when he is here. I’m thinking, what to make him for tea? When will he be due in? What is he doing, is he safe? I fear if he asks his Father to take him to Newcastle only, his Father will say

“OK Son, I will drop you off and pick you up in an hour.

As if he goes with my Son to the shops, he will have to pay to park and my x doesn’t do paying very well.

I have to sit on my hands though and not contact teen until late tonight. Oh God how long is late tonight?

Workman has put a good shift in today bless him. It’s almost half past four.

I have to go out again to clean the dog run and lock up the gates.

Also I will have to find my bin, so will try to be as discreet as possible as I play helicopters in my yard, arms out waving about like a lunatic let loose from the local asylum!




At last it’s spring

Blossom will sing

To the tune of the birds

And the fragrance of the herbs

A fine orchestra will play

On the sunny spring day

The golden trumpets of daffodils

Shall blow their way through the bulbs

Forcing pretty fine tunes

To please the crowds of blooms

Yellow trillium

Shall play at the Palladium

Oh then the hellebore

A different calibre

A league on its own

In its own zone

How about the bloodroot

Playing the flute

Enjoying the music

Is my favourite tree the lilac

Listen to the spring choirs

The beautiful iris

Then everyone may focus

On the elegant crocus

As they stand so tall not wanting to be a failure

Next to the Azalia

And as we all will clap

We will notice the tulip

Of course we have the Rhodi’s

With their growth of ten foot

And I think my spring show looks lovely

So I shall leave you to enjoy

Throwaway gloves

And put on your sunhats

A final solo

From the little choir boy


 Well, my boy has left the building… God I am stressed now. I know I am a right panicker, but the thing is, the two most important people in my life, my only family are away. I really really wish I didn’t care; my life would be so much easier.

Teen is still such a little boy to me and some days I wonder, if he will ever grow up in my head? I mean, he towers above me and I’m rather tall. He shaves, he has the deepest voice, and yet, he’s my baby.

He was born with an older than his life soul, but that soul stayed that age.

He’s clever and responsible, but it’s a big bad world out there and my life’s pattern is not lucky enough to have two wonderful people like my Husband and Son in my life forever. This is my fear. I need to think positive and tell myself, this is my break now. But in life whenever I have been positive about anything its gone wrong.

My builder is here bless him. Today’s discussion has been on designing drainage…

Oh yes, my dear Bloggets, one knows how to live it up?

It’s all going on in Fifi Blogget land. Haha!

It’s sunny, so frost but no snow.

My Canary, he’s Irish, did you know?

Is still singing sweetly and flapping his wings. He loves being on the windowsill. He looks out of the window so the world is his from his cage bless him. I have never believed in keeping caged animals, but believe me, its better than the awful one he was living in. It’s dreadful. For a year he was in the smallest cube. Now his cage is big enough for at least three of canaries his size as it’s a really large cage comparison to most cages.

Cat’s come to the window and say hello, he sees all the children going to school and the cars passing by as well as the trees and flowers in our avenue of all sorts.

The birds fly past and the geese every night are now back here for the spring. Starting to make their flight past our gardens at tea time again. Oh I’m so wishing for the summer to come, but first we must have the spring.

I noticed my favourite flowers are in the shops now. Daffodils. Trumpets of Daffodils, oh, a poem is now in my head. Oh not sure where it will go, just the image of the trumpets of daffodils?

I never know where my poems are going until I start to write, and then my heart and fingers tell me.

At the end of a poem, I quickly publish before I get chance to Annalise. This may be a mistake as it may mean you read rubbish, but if I were to criticize my work, I would never publish.

And no Fifi Blogget and you, my band of Bloggets, would be in another group. Haha. OK a mad moment, back to my diary.

 Where was I?

Yes, canary. Irish….

I gave him a pea pod to play with. It’s about the size of him. He opens it and removes the peas. Teens left without giving him water of course, so I guess again that’s my job.

The horror across the way is cleaning the bins. He’s a nasty bad tempered man who comes and washes the bins out. I wish I knew his boss, as I would report him. He is a grumpy ill-mannered man and the only big thing about him, is his hose.

He was so rude to me and my Husband when we asked him to clean our bins; do you remember me telling you?

I wouldn’t want him to do the job now.

To be honest, I don’t even think it is possible for him to do a good job, as he cleans about three bins in about a minute.

My dear builder has gone a bit quiet for my liking…

This is going to be a very long job.

I have no patience.

Two more sleeps before my Husband returns.

 My Waggatail is biting my other two dogs all the time, I don’t know why, but she is getting worse. Not sure if it is her way of playing, but if so, it’s not nice and my dogs don’t like it.

If she is trying to domineer?

Don’t know but I don’t like that side of her. Poor Black beauty berry’s her head in my leg and if she is at the other side of the room, she will come over to me and let me know what is going on and even Long Chops who is a dog you don’t want to mess with, she cuddles into me when Wagga does it to her. It’s nasty and it’s where she bites?

Their faces and ears. She has marked my LC before.

 If I give them a toy they fight over it and if I put a few toys out for them, the two, LC and Waggatail fight over the same toy. The soft toys get destroyed by the two beasty girls LC and Wagga and poor BB, loves them, so it’s a shame when I have to put them in the bin.

Talking of bins, oh I forgot to ask teen to put the bin around the back. God knows where it is?

Right, must dash stuff to do including booking a hair dressers appointment for Hub and I, as next Sunday the big wedding. Xxxxxxx

Thursday, 27 February 2014


 My love has just spoken to me on the phone. He has done a seven hour train journey and a four hour taxi journey, for a four hour meeting.

The traffic was so bad getting to the station, he missed his train, so had to wait about for another one.

He sounds tired. As am I. I must go to bed as another early start in the morning, to see to my workman and my Son; he is leaving for his Fathers.

It’s going to be a long lonely weekend, as all day without my two boys and all day Saturday and most of Sunday too.

I hate being in the house on my own, though I have the three beasty girls and of course my canary? Hahaha

Snow on its way and my workman only did about five hours today. I wish he had done more as when it snows, he won’t work.

Getting tired now and he is going to take up the lawn, as it has a lump in it? Well, I did notice, I just thought there was a hill in my front?

God, I hope there’s not a pigging body under there?

It’s good that he is going to sort out that though as he didn’t have to.

I just want my work finished now. Getting sick.

Happy Friday Bloggets. X


So a few more than this we can add on as it's just, still the 27th, but a rough guide. Thank you again. xx
United Kingdom

United States











Good evening. Browsing the news online tonight, this is all I could find that wasn’t totally depressing.  I don’t know why I read the news; it’s just full of violence and bloody wars. I also learned that the amount of pregnant women who are getting admitted to hospital with drink and drugs overdosing, are on the raise. Absolutely disgraceful. These people should be sterilised and never allowed to have children. Not ever.

 Security agency GCHQ, intercepted sexually explicit material as it harvested webcam images from millions of internet users, it was claimed today.

So, I say. “And?

I mean, if they catch the scum who are involved, great. I have nothing to hide so look at what you like.

A “mind boggling” cache of personal data has been discovered for sale on the online black market. The trove included credentials from more than 360 million accounts and around 1.25 billion email addresses.

“Now that’s scary?  Where were GCHQ then?


Two beavers were caught on camera playing at night while a third one (in background) is gnawing a tree on the banks of the River Otter, Devon.

Wild beavers in England for the first time in centuries

Let’s hope we don’t kill them off?


A BABY boy who was flown to Scotland after surviving a catastrophic gas explosion that wiped out his family in Pakistan was recovering last night after surgeons carried out a successful operation to reconstruct his face.



A hospital which put an elderly patient on a controversial end of life 'pathway' without telling his family was criticised by a coroner yesterday.

And that is that Bloggets. Take away boring politics and wars, there’s nothing to report. For me, my Hub left New York and went by train to Boston today; he should be soon on his way back to New York. It’s a long train journey.

My boy goes away tomorrow to visit his Father. One good bit of news is, he is going without the girlfriend.

Snow is forecast here and I can tell you, it’s freezing cold. Just hope there are no interruptions with Hub coming home on Sunday. God I miss him, I really need him home. Thankfully I split the day up a bit with my friend today, it’s not only missing him, I truly can’t bare life without him. I find it odd when I hear couples joking, well, I say joking, but they blooming mean it, when they say they are glad to be without their partners for some days? I mean maybe it’s because they are with each other a lot? Hub and I don’t see much of each other. He is home one out of four weekends

OK, before I go a joke? No? haha. There not that bad, are they?

An idiot decided to start a chicken farm, so he bought a hundred chickens to start. A month later, he returned to the dealer for another hundred chickens because all of the first lot had died. A month later he was back at the dealers for another hundred chickens for the second lot had also died. "But I think I know where I'm going wrong," said the idiot. "I think I am planting them too deep."

Smile? You’re on the Blogget camera. Haha.




They say it’s so one sided

Weird, but your hurt makes me so excited

Just a flash of your smile

And I am delighted

If I don’t see you for a while

I’m crushed

No matter what my plans are

You click I rush

Like a puppy wanting to please

I’m begging on my knees

Just love me even only a fraction

Just show me the smallest amount of affection

That’s all I ask

They say you are the devil

In a mask

They can see through you

But I’m blinded as I love you

I worship your heartbeat

I adore you from your head to feet

I am blessed from the day we did meet

But they don’t understand

We come from another land

A different lifestyle

Numbers have brought you up

For me it was love from a china cup

Poured from an antique jug

They say I’m nothing but a mug

You kick me with boots full of nails

And I don’t see your torture coming

You use words of distress

But for you I will keep running

 They say it’s all a mess

But I have to confess

You can tear at my skin

I will still love you deep within

They say to you I’m easy to control

And eye candy

Until you clime that pole

And find your fortune

And take with you a burned soul

I will be dirt on your shoe

Whilst you do again to someone new

They say I can do so much better than you

But I think you are the best

You are my queen

So much more than the rest

The most beautiful thing I have ever seen

But they don’t see what I see

For you is to me perfection

And wherever you are I want to be in your reflection

They say I’m not going in your direction

As you are stuck up your arse

But I think that’s a farce

As we belong together

Now and forever

Unless their praying works

And in their words

Make me see sense

Stop sitting on the fence

And look elsewhere for romance

But it’s you I want to have the last dance

It’s you I want to have in my heart

Until death do we part?

You see me. That is a start

But them, they say

Look the other way

You are in a better class to her

She may wear the fur

But her heart is of stone

Her words on the phone

Are hard and cold

Your lips and heart are pure gold

They say, I can have anyone of my choice

Trouble is

It’s  only you I want

So our lives I wish to rejoice

I will take your cruel pain

And after a soul destroying session

I will come back to you again



OK, my lovely builder… Quote from yesterday. Remember he is making me a new step?

“So, Fiona, would you like your step done tomorrow?”

Ur, no? Next year will be good? Haha


“Fiona, wondering if you have had any extensions put on your house, as I will try to match the bricks up to it? I was going to do red, but I think red will not look good with a red drive you will need a contrast!”

Me, only out the back. To which he replied oh good, I will match it with that I answered, but the step is at the front? He responded by saying, oh, yes. Tell you what? I will buy some red bricks….


Wh’a’aat? Would that be the red bricks that won’t look good? Haha.

Bless him though, he does a good job. I think?

A long way off finishing though.

In Poland today they have what is called “Fat Thursday.

(TÅ‚usty czwartek);

I think that is what the Polish call it? If I am saying in Polish your feet smell, I’m sorry? Haha.

We have Pancake Tuesday and I lo’ove pancake Tuesday

My teen makes the best pancakes in the world, I come a close seventh. Hahheheheaha

Not too sure who the other five are before me, but you know?

Not only Polish people have fat Thursday it is celebrated all over the world has different names and the people of those countries eat different things. But it’s mainly eating the foods forbidden during the leant.

I went out with my friend and Wagga.  She worked OK, 5/10. Oh bless her; we first went to her fave shop. The pet shop. Oh all the bunnies were cuddled up together. We had a right laugh as we squeezed the toys with the funny sounds. Oh God, there was a turkey, obviously a toy one, and first you squeeze it and it sounds as though it has asthma, then as you leave go, sounds as though someone is getting murdered. We did laugh, and then my friend said. Oh look these look like sex toys? Well, what a hoot?

As especially when she brought a bigger one out? Haha haha.

They had a pick and mix bit you can take a bag and put whatever treats you want in there. Well, of course my little Waggatail had to pick what she wanted so had a bit try of most of them. I tried to feed her discreetly, but Wagga doesn’t know that word yet. And choked Oh God. The sounds of her coughing along the shop were not good.

Then we went into our large food store and we did the isle and she would not work? I kept asking my friend was she sniffing something? My dog sniffing not my friend.

She said no. As we walked along a bit more and me telling my dog to hop hop, in other words move faster. She was not walking right. Well my friend said she was fine, so I thought she was doing her sniffing thing.

Then a man told us, the dog had her leg stuck in her harness. Haha haha.

Oh poor baby.

Took it out, fastened her harness.

She still walked silly.

Teen bought a guitar yesterday. He’s loving it. Good to see. He’s singing his little heart out.

OK, I feel like I want to curl up in a warm bed and sleep. But I have to be alert for my builder. He’s a nice guy and my teen said the step is starting to look stunning.

Oh it’s a master piece.

OK, hope you are all alright today. Until later with love. X


Good morning Bloggets. I am really tired. Must have been three before I got to sleep this morning, then about half four, Teen was ill. He’d been out the tea time before and ate fish so I wonder if it could have been that, having said that, Hub has been ill with sickness to of late, so perhaps there is a bug going around? Well thankfully he went back to sleep and is OK now.

Oh I am so disappointed in myself. I have bloated like a balloon. Put so much weight on. This is my major problem. I go a couple of months doing so well, and loss about half a stone then one good meal, and I’m not talking loads of fried food I have vegetarian food and to be honest, it’s quite basic food, but  I eat and enjoy and gain all of the weight I lost then more.

I haven’t dared get on the scales.

I am cross though. I am so week. I admire people who say. “OK, so back to the drawing board.

My workman is not here yet and it’s after half nine.

It’s sunny outside which is good as through the night, it was awful. Pouring with rain and so windy?

Our canary, Irish, is singing dancing and behaving like he has been on a lovely holiday. Haha. Oh bless him. He is so lovely. He sings so well. If you are going to get a bird, make sure it’s an Irish canary and male. The only way you will know it’s a mail is if you wait about a year and hear it singing.

That is the only way the breeders know too.

But prepare yourself. You have to like birds singing and loudly too.

One of our neighbours takes his birds on walks.

Really, he puts his bird on his shoulder and takes it for a walk. He also takes it to the pub and his bird is partial to beer.  Surprised he doesn’t fall from our neighbours shoulder?

He also runs up and down the street with it I’m not sure why, as it can’t fly, so he must run with it on his shoulder too?

Well, a street takes all sorts and when my Son was tiny and he kept gold fish, the first night he had them, I left the kitchen light on as that is where they were and I didn’t want them to be scared on their first night in their new house?

My loving mad aunt has kindly send Teen a birthday present.. . .

So that is due today and I have also sent for him something coming today, I hope? Well I’m out later so hope teen will get his butt out of bed for deliveries?

Right, must dash but before I go, a smile upon your face I hope?

A woman who died found herself standing outside the Pearly Gates, being greeted by St. Peter.
She asked him, "Oh, is this place what I really think it is? It's so beautiful.
Did I really make it to heaven?"
To which St. Peter replied, "Yes, my dear, these are the Gates to Heaven. But you must do one more thing before you can enter." The woman was very excited, and asked of St. Peter what she must do to pass through the gates. "Spell a word," St. Peter replied. "What word?" she asked.
"Any word," answered St. Peter. "It's your choice." The woman promptly replied, "Then the word I will spell is l-o-v-e."
St. Peter congratulated her on her good fortune to have made it to Heaven, and asked her if she would mind taking his place at the gates for a few minutes while he went to the bathroom.
"I'd be honoured," she said, "but what should I do if someone comes while you are gone?"
St. Peter reassured her, and instructed the woman to simply have any newcomers to the Pearly Gates to spell a word as she had done.
So the woman is left sitting in St. Peter's chair and watching the beautiful angels soaring around her when a man approaches the gates. She realizes it is her loser husband.
"What happened?" she cried, "Why are you here?"
Her husband stared at her for a moment, and then said, "I was so drunk when I left your funeral, and I was in an accident. And now I am here? Did I really make it to Heaven?"
To which the woman replied, "Not yet. You must spell a word first."
"What word?" he asked.
The woman responded, "Czechoslovakia."


Words just for you

By Fiona Cummings

You are beautiful you know

People admire you wherever you go

You are brilliantly clever

And loved all over

You have such a talent in music

When you talk, your voice is like magic

What you have achieved

Leaves me amazed

Everyone I talk to has agreed

They are full of praise

For you are the best

And I feel so blessed

You are mine

My hero

So kind

You lifted me up from zero

And now on floor nine

Ten is the pinnacle

Not wanting to be cynical

Doubt I will ever go to floor ten

As that floor belongs to you

As you are a king

And deserve all good which is coming to you

I am honoured to wear your ring

To walk by your side

My feelings for you I can’t hide

Our life has not been an easy ride

 The tears I have cried

But at the end of the day

I hold my head up with pride

For I belong to you my Darling

And wish to kiss you goodnight

And wake together each morning

As you hold me so tight

Whispering words of such love

I thank the angels above

For sending you to me

Your hand in mine

Fits like a glove

Thank you so much

For setting me free

I long to feel your touch

As I need you so much

So these words are for you my Dear

I need you always near

Please don’t ever leave me

Forever we will be happy

I promise, believe me


Wednesday, 26 February 2014


I can breathe for a while. My Hub has arrived in the USA. Thank God. Now just very long journey to his hotel. Tomorrow, a three hour journey by train to Boston for a four hour meeting, then three hours back for an all-day meeting on Friday. Saturday also a meeting then some free time before airport home, but won’t walk through the door until Sunday afternoon.

America is such a long way from us. And with them being six hours behind us, makes it awkward

Going out today with my friend to buy Teen a birthday card.

I am not quite sure how I am going to get out as yet; perhaps I will parachute down the step? What step? Haha

Oh Got to be up early again and it’s already two in the morning, so must go to bed now, up in five and a half hours to open the gate for the workman.

Teen bought a guitar today. He loves it. I think he thinks he is the next Bruno Mars.

OK, I shall come back for a chat later on in the day and let you know about our step and broken path. Xx


Good evening Bloggets. Oh my Husband has been away only some hours and he hasn’t even landed in America yet and I am missing him so much. Its dark I’m alone and even afraid. I have just been out to clean the dog run, bags, and gloves and bucket in hand with brush too. First its pitch black and I had to lock the gate around the side of the house. We live in a very quiet side avenue and though there are a couple of busy roads nearby, the side of the house is rather remote from life. It’s a little spooky around there. So we have a large gate with the builder being here, it’s been open. So he left rather late himself, he put a good day in today and I had to lock up behind him, well, I let him get out of the street first? Haha.

I stupidly dropped the lock and couldn’t find it among the dirt.

Hub normally would have found it for me. Teen of course out. Thank God he was coming back late tonight.

So I had to leave it open and where was the lock God knows? I did try to find it without success.

Then off to the bottom of the garden to the dog run. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s light or dark to find dog mess.

Lovely, hah?

 Disposable glove on my right hand and left hand has the bag. Three dogs cause such a mess?

Then off with the glove and brush and bucket time with lots of disinfectant.

Hose it all down and job done. But I was blooming terrified. It was so dark though I couldn’t see the dark, I could feel it?

Sounds are so different.

The air feels differently too. Smells are also different.

Fear is closer.

It’s the silence around me. The knowledge that no one is in the house.

Or are they?

I always think if I’m in the garden, there is no one stopping themselves from going in my house without me knowing until it’s too late?

When I first went blind, every second of my life was like this. I imagined behind each door was a man all in black with a black mask on too. God it was horrible.

As a sighted person you can look around you may not know you are doing it, but you do? Next time you are out for the night, when you come home if the house is empty, close your eyes before you go in the house? Leave all lights off don’t even look for the switch, keeping eyes closed. It’s scary.

And you know you can open your eyes anytime?

There are bits of equipment all over the garden too. Tools and such, though our guy is a nice man and I know he does his best to tidy up.

Is my step in yet?


So I ask my angel to keep telling me not to go to the freezer or dryer in the garage, as if I go out of the front door forgetting about our step, there still is a drop of three foot. One meter.

Not a good look. A splattered Fifi Blogget?


Dreading the weekend. Teen going to his Fathers. I hate him going there. I did my best to keep them together, because it is the right thing to do, but my teen doesn’t benefit from it, in fact the opposite.

My x is not a good influence sadly. I wish he was. I always wanted him to be a good Father, but sadly he never has been and never will be. The last time Teen went to see him, he came back mortal drunk. So the x put him on a train, drunk. OK I know teen shouldn’t have got drunk at sixteen? But he is 16. Stupid. My x is years older than me well, nine years. So should know better? He is irresponsible. He also teaches teen absolute rubbish and is not the brightest button in the sewing box.

But he is teens Father and sadly, there is no alternative.

I hope when teen is at his Fathers, he doesn’t fill his head with stuff a kid shouldn’t know about? Like finances, and how good my x thinks he is in bed?

Honestly, it’s gross!

I wish he could fill his head with how important it is to work as one thing my x isn’t shy of his work and hard work he does. Lazy is a swear word to my X. He for sure is the best worker for hard labour I know of. Teen must take after me? Hahaha.

Today I had a nice chat with my friend who came over for coffee. She’s lovely and we get on so well.

She was saying she went onto the website to see about getting help with guiding Hub and myself? Haha haha. I did laugh; though bless her she so want’s to do the right thing. I told her, to chill. If she looks at a DVD she will be out with us always feeling like she is being tested? Is she doing the right thing, wrong thing?

Thing is, every blind person is different?

I’m like a new born foal…. Hub is More. confident.

So there is no real rule?

Anyway, she thought it would be fill in the form and receive the DVD.

Nope, she received an email saying they would like to send someone out to show her?



This is why some sighted people are afraid of us blindies ; we don’t want to be different?

OK, if it is a business or school or something, sure thing, but a friend?

So here are Fifi’s golden rules.

  1. When meeting your blind friend, though they may know your voice, still always say Hi, its John… “Unless you are not John of course? Haha
  2.  Just ask how they would like to be guided? Hub just puts his hand on the guides shoulder or gently touches their elbow. Blind people don’t like being linked or dragged/pulled. If we hold your arm, you can guide us. If you link us, we normally are in front.
  3. Tell us which way the car  we are about to get into is facing
  4. When finding a seat for  us, put our hand on the back, if you say there is a seat, we don’t know  which way it’s facing
  5. We don’t always want to know what time our food is. I mean like “Your peas are at twelve o clock. Potatoes at three and carrots six at nine is your Yorkshire pudding. It just sounds so disabled? You could be subtle and say oh your Yorkshire pudding looks lovely and you have a couple of veg on their carrots and peas!
  6.  When we are out walking with you if you could say if the steps are up or down? A lot of people the ones, who remember, just say steps. OK, so up or down? Many times I look rather odd if my leg goes up and the steps are going down? OK, I just look odd. I guess what I am trying to say is be as normal as possible. But bless her cotton socks for trying? I bet if she gets the DVD, she will think Oh my God? Haha. Everyone is different though. xxx


I read a couple of good proverbs today

We do not care of what we have, but we cry when it is lost.

This is so true isn’t it? If I can say anything to anyone today it would be to look at what we have and respect it or, them!

We can take so much for granted

Sometimes though it’s a bit hard to actually show our feelings?

We either don’t have the tools to do so or are unable to break lifetime’s habits of not opening our hearts. I feel that you can only do such things when you have had hard times.

If your life is perfect, then how do you learn?

Sometimes though I think to myself. “OK, I have had enough rubbish thrown at me, I have learned. I have been a good student, taking in all of the lessons. Now. Please, can I have my certificate and move on to the higher classroom and live an easier life?

I think when I met my Hub, that was my Head teacher telling me that I had passed one stage in life. But how long will I have to wait to the next move? I mean, life for sure now days is better than I have had for the first few decades, All good, has happened in the past five years Hub and I have been together, but among that good, has been so much pain, sadness and hurt as well as uncertainty too. Some people just seem to have a very fortunate life where by nothing or at least not much has gone wrong for them.

Some will say they are on the first stage of discovery. I did that first stage before I entered life as we know it. I fought through the failed trials of the attempts of an abortion. Many times in my life, I wished she had succeeded in that termination, but having my beautiful Son and days like I had with friends of late, make me realise I had to be born for a reason.

This year has been tough for Hub and me. Really tough. In five years we have been through more than most couples have been through in fifty years, we are still together and I pray will be forever, as he is my first love, last love and beyond this life I’m hopeful we will love in another life, if we remember each other? I mean, I do believe we lived in another world before this one, and I feel when you get the feelings Hub and I get, it’s not just from this life? It’s from another lifetime we can’t recall.

I have talked before on this blog about regressing and my experiences and although was very sceptical it was an interesting time.

I do believe Hub and I knew each other in another time. You know when you meet a loved one for the first time and you have some kind of electric between you? That to me is not normal.

I have been in love twice in my life. Once my Russian boyfriend when I was really young. Now he was a physical love. I could see and he was the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life. Then my now Husband. I loved my Hub when we were tiny children. The first time I set eyes on him, I fell in love with him. My stomach had butterflies, though we were so young. I didn’t see him after he and I were boyfriend and girlfriend for four years, for 28 years. By this point I was blind, so there was no physical as I knew it with my Russian boyfriend. The old feelings for him came back. Excitement and admiration. But there was something else I will never be able to put my finger on it what it was. Like a feeling of belonging. I felt like he was a God. A creator of all kindness. A love that is beyond how we should feel.

He was a key to my new life my life of living and my God, we have lived. I am living in the blind world now where as before, I still was very much trapped as a blind person in a sighted world.

My x Husband was great in the respect he took me shopping and saw things like stains on the floor I had cleaned all day saw marks on the walls from the dog and so on, this life now, we see things in such a hard way, but we deal with it so much better. My x used to read letters so I didn’t have that worry. Now we or I should say my Hub scans letters, it’s hard, it’s frustrating and time consuming, but we do it. We can, opposed to I can’t.

I last night felt so blessed to have my Son. A lot of people don’t have children and yes, he has caused  me such stress this year and I am sure will continue to do so though it is thank God becoming less painful now days than before a month ago.

Only because I give in now, as that is the only way.

He has to learn in his own way which is a total nightmare to watch as I see him making so many mistakes but when I tell him, it goes very wrong. It’s like watching someone you love so much falling and not trying to catch him. In my nature, I help, fuss but can’t just stand back and see someone hurt. Problem is everyone is telling me to let Teen go through what he has to and be there for him when he needs me. I just panic that he will go through hell forever and live the life I did with his Father.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate his Father, he was my life for 23 years, just we didn’t belong together, though as I always say, he was the best Son in law my parents could have wished for. You know how important my parents were to me.

I started this blog not knowing what I was going to write and look at where we have come? In fact, have we got anywhere?

I guess what I hope to say is if you are really low in life as a lot of my friends are right now for so many reasons, please don’t give up, and going back to proverbs, there is a one from I think it’s Germany? Begin to weave and God will give the thread.

On that note Bloggets I shall end this blog, but I will be back very soon. Xxx


I read a couple of good proverbs today

We do not care of what we have, but we cry when it is lost.

This is so true isn’t it? If I can say anything to anyone today it would be to look at what we have and respect it or, them!

We can take so much for granted

Sometimes though it’s a bit hard to actually show our feelings?

We either don’t have the tools to do so or are unable to break lifetime’s habits of not opening our hearts. I feel that you can only do such things when you have had hard times.

If your life is perfect, then how do you learn?

Sometimes though I think to myself. “OK, I have had enough rubbish thrown at me, I have learned. I have been a good student, taking in all of the lessons. Now. Please, can I have my certificate and move on to the higher classroom and live an easier life?

I think when I met my Hub, that was my Head teacher telling me that I had passed one stage in life. But how long will I have to wait to the next move? I mean, life for sure now days is better than I have had for the first few decades, All good, has happened in the past five years Hub and I have been together, but among that good, has been so much pain, sadness and hurt as well as uncertainty too. Some people just seem to have a very fortunate life where by nothing or at least not much has gone wrong for them.

Some will say they are on the first stage of discovery. I did that first stage before I entered life as we know it. I fought through the failed trials of the attempts of an abortion. Many times in my life, I wished she had succeeded in that termination, but having my beautiful Son and days like I had with friends of late, make me realise I had to be born for a reason.

This year has been tough for Hub and me. Really tough. In five years we have been through more than most couples have been through in fifty years, we are still together and I pray will be forever, as he is my first love, last love and beyond this life I’m hopeful we will love in another life, if we remember each other? I mean, I do believe we lived in another world before this one, and I feel when you get the feelings Hub and I get, it’s not just from this life? It’s from another lifetime we can’t recall.

I have talked before on this blog about regressing and my experiences and although was very sceptical it was an interesting time.

I do believe Hub and I knew each other in another time. You know when you meet a loved one for the first time and you have some kind of electric between you? That to me is not normal.

I have been in love twice in my life. Once my Russian boyfriend when I was really young. Now he was a physical love. I could see and he was the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life. Then my now Husband. I loved my Hub when we were tiny children. The first time I set eyes on him, I fell in love with him. My stomach had butterflies, though we were so young. I didn’t see him after he and I were boyfriend and girlfriend for four years, for 28 years. By this point I was blind, so there was no physical as I knew it with my Russian boyfriend. The old feelings for him came back. Excitement and admiration. But there was something else I will never be able to put my finger on it what it was. Like a feeling of belonging. I felt like he was a God. A creator of all kindness. A love that is beyond how we should feel.

He was a key to my new life my life of living and my God, we have lived. I am living in the blind world now where as before, I still was very much trapped as a blind person in a sighted world.

My x Husband was great in the respect he took me shopping and saw things like stains on the floor I had cleaned all day saw marks on the walls from the dog and so on, this life now, we see things in such a hard way, but we deal with it so much better. My x used to read letters so I didn’t have that worry. Now we or I should say my Hub scans letters, it’s hard, it’s frustrating and time consuming, but we do it. We can, opposed to I can’t.

I last night felt so blessed to have my Son. A lot of people don’t have children and yes, he has caused  me such stress this year and I am sure will continue to do so though it is thank God becoming less painful now days than before a month ago.

Only because I give in now, as that is the only way.

He has to learn in his own way which is a total nightmare to watch as I see him making so many mistakes but when I tell him, it goes very wrong. It’s like watching someone you love so much falling and not trying to catch him. In my nature, I help, fuss but can’t just stand back and see someone hurt. Problem is everyone is telling me to let Teen go through what he has to and be there for him when he needs me. I just panic that he will go through hell forever and live the life I did with his Father.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate his Father, he was my life for 23 years, just we didn’t belong together, though as I always say, he was the best Son in law my parents could have wished for. You know how important my parents were to me.

I started this blog not knowing what I was going to write and look at where we have come? In fact, have we got anywhere?

I guess what I hope to say is if you are really low in life as a lot of my friends are right now for so many reasons, please don’t give up, and going back to proverbs, there is a one from I think it’s Germany? Begin to weave and God will give the thread.

On that note Bloggets I shall end this blog, but I will be back very soon. Xxx

Tuesday, 25 February 2014


 Will my step get fixed today? Outside my front door, there is a huge drop. I am so not going out there. Hub has to leave for America tomorrow, so I hope he will be OK?  With his case too. My canary, Irish you know? haha. Is singing so lovely again. Oh I feel so very lucky. OK here are some facts and after some housework and a coffee, I will be back.
Did you know

This is not true. Your eyes close naturally when you sneeze simply to keep bacteria from getting into your eyes. A few people can sneeze without closing their eyes, (without them popping out) but the average person naturally closes their eyes while sneezing.

The research also revealed the interesting science facts which Britons find the most intriguing, including the fact that during World War II when blood supplies were running low, doctors discovered that the liquid inside young coconuts could be used as a substitute for blood plasma.





Good morning Bloggets. The sun is shining and it’s mild outside. Who would think that a week ago, people in parts of England were having to live on the top floor of their houses, to escape the floods? They were the lucky ones. Most people in those parts had to vacate their homes, leaving everything behind them. The weather is like the sea. So changeable. One day can be so tranquil, calm ripples dance along the top of glass like water, with crystals of diamond like particles of salt glistening to the white lines of marshmallow tides. Making a hushing sound, as it kisses the sands on golden beaches, occasionally gentle marbles of stones and shells are taken on a cruise along the bays, clacking against driftwood which has been on another day, dragged, rounded and smashed forcing it’s way against and through castles of crushed children’s creative minds.

The agressive sea now. Roaring furiously, like an angry army going to a war of revenge, where the battle will commence. Climbing over all life to get to the victims of a bloody violent crisis, claiming lives. Tearing and ripping, like raping and abusing absolutely everyone in sight.

 And then, back to calm blissful bays.

The thing is, looking now, at the damage that the weather has caused for those poor people, it will take months if not forever to repair.

I mean, how can you repair a broken heart?

Your children’s photos are gone. Your wedding pictures are gone photos and gifts from departed loved ones have been destroyed. Devastating your mind and heart. Items you have saved up for have gone in a flash. Floods have removed your past, present and possibly put holes in your future. The stress of the life for the next few months must be dreadful.

I am the queen of stress. My brother in law thinks I enjoy stress. Well, he is an idiot for thinking that. There is nothing I like more than getting away from all worries.

It’s OK people saying the people from the floods have insurances, but that all takes time. Insurance companies are not there for the people but for their own businesses.

They are there to make a profit and they don’t like handing their fortunes back, so months of negotiating and where do the people, the victims, live all of those months?

The children’s schooling. Are they able to find a place next to the school? No car now that was damaged.

They are living miles away from their work.


Their place of work is closed due to flood damage.

No wages.

Arguing between man and wife. Children living among that environment.

Their much loved pets. Gone.

I could go on but I want to see a way through this mess. For those who are affected.

This is a testing time for you all for sure. A time I feel for you. But raindrops in life don’t cause a storm forever.

The seeds from dandelions are blown, spreading new growth for more flowers for the wildlife to enjoy and live from. The breeze causing this to happen will not turn into a tornado. Your raindrops will dry up. Your sun will shine again. As a blind person, I don’t have the privilege to see my baby’s photographs. I have a large wedding photograph on my wall of my Husband and my wedding day. The best day of our lives, but I have never seen it. I do not know what I looked like on my wedding day.

My floods came some years ago when I woke up blind.

I know how hard it is for your precious things to be stolen from you.

But this morning, I woke up to sunshine. You will to. I promise.

You will look back at this time and it will be a nightmare. But you will wake from it.

You have your health. You have a second chance in life.

Make the most of it and know I am thinking about you all. I am hopeful for you. Please believe me? Please?