
Saturday 26 December 2015


Hi peeps.  I've had a lovely Christmas so far with me mate Wagga, although she's been winding me up something chronic like.  You see, there was this lovely smell on Christmas eve and she told me that it was me dinner cooking.  She told me we get turkey and loads of stuff at this time of year and me dad was cooking it ready for us like.  The smell drove me more and more mad.  I was pacing about, tried everything I could to get me self in to the kitchen for a quick bite like, but no chance.

Christmas day came and I was reet keyed up for me dinner that Wagga had promised me.  Me dad and everyone sat down and ate it and I got none; she laughed at me!

Anyway I'm not too bothered about it all now as I have got some great new toys.  There's this one that has a long bit of rope between two balls which Wagga and me have already played loads with. She isn't playin much with me today though as I think she feels a bit sick; serves her reet for teasin me about me dinner.  I'll look after her and make sure she's reet for playin later on.

Me mum's reet cruel you know.  She puts biscuits in the ends of me toys and think's it's great watchin me get 'em out.  I can't do it most of the time and I gets me self reet frustrated with it all.  Why can't she just give me the biscuit and stop the mythrin about with toys.  Toys are for playin biscuits are for scran, dead easy like.

Ok, off for another sleep before me dinner.  Laters....

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