
Thursday 17 December 2015


Good morning Bloggets. Today we woke early as the lovely lady who comes to take Wagga out for a walk was due. On the dot as always, she arrived and when she saw LF was here, she asked if we would like her to take him too. Well, I told her it would be too much for her and she said, oh, no, I will pop them in my car and take them where I live as there is a huge field and it’s so much cleaner there than here, our field is a mess. So off the two of them went. Well, Little Fella, he was not at all sure bless him. Panic kicked in as he looked back at his Daddy. How insecure he is bless him. Almost two hours later they returned. The lovely lady even cleans them with a towel from her car. And I gave them a drink, well, as I was talking to the lady at the door; Little Fella came and lay down on my feet as though to say. “Mummy, you know I can’t help it, I’m quite simply nosey. But I’m so tired. And no way are you leaving this house without me. So I shall lay on your feet, if you move I will wake up and be by your side.


He is starting to do as I ask of him now, like acknowledge me, smile. It’s taken him three weeks. So it’s a good thing, he is settling down.


Well, now he is still fast asleep like a puppy. The lady said he was ever so funny as she said he hasn’t developed his muscles yet and his long legs are all over he hasn’t learned how to walk elegantly at all. She said it was comical to watch. But the two of them chased two Greyhounds all over the field.


She is a really kind person and devotes her life to dogs. Thank goodness for her and the work she does.


Now waiting for our friend to come from our home town. All Christmas presents are waiting for her. And my gift of my Son will be back later too. Though when he returns and learns I have done his washing, he won’t be impressed. I should be grateful that he does all his own washing and ironing, but it’s on his terms and his basket was overflowing. Let’s just hope I have the colours right for his designer shirts? Hehehe. Oops.


It’s the simple things in life for me, Hub said he is going to make me some homemade soup, well, I can do that myself, but his is so much better. I love his soup it’s homely and delicious. Like him…..


I miss the office so much. I really like the girls and boys there they really are like a family. I had such a lovely day yesterday. I would love to volunteer there more oftern, just wish it wasn’t so far away from home.



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