
Friday 18 December 2015


Hello it's me; apparently I've been called "the little Fella". I'm also told some of you call me LF and that my dad's last dog was LC.  What's all the letters stuff!

I'm kind of starting to like this house and I already quite love my dad and Mum.  Even so-called wagga isn't that bad and she loves to play with me which is great cos I am still a bit of a baby, being only 19 months old, or almost a teenager in your years.

Anyway, I've got a couple of problems and I need your help to sort things out cos I don't think my dad understands.  It's like that with us teens you know.  I know my mum has written about a teen before and he sounds a lot of fun like me, but he goes out at odd times when I’m trying to sleep. Oh, and his feet stink.

I've decided that I really like to eat the soil out of the plant pots in the lounge.  It's that really fine stuff that gets right in between your teeth and makes a great crunchy sound.  It is  the kind of stuff that spreads all over the floor and I love it when the hoover comes out so I spread it around a bit more. Problem is it makes me er a bit sick and me stomach is going for it now.  You would eat soil if you had the food I get.  It's greasy and smells of something nasty.  I've been told off twice for the soil thing today but I think the punishment is worth the crime so I'll have another cheeky mouth full before bed I think.  Maybe I'll try one of those leaf things as they look a bit tempting.

My other problem is I like to go upstairs and my dad has stopped me by putting some metal thing in the way.  Now I know that's where he goes at night and I don't know if he can get out without me.  I also know there's shiny paper up there and oh how I love to tear up paper in to tiny bits so that it's like dust.  I can smell something really nice up there as well and it might be for me.  I have been upstairs a few times and even in to this wonderful room which the teen owns.  As I'm a teen as well, I like his music and wonder if I could do a bit of mixing like he does.

Right then, off to sort out that soil thing.  I wish they would take those **** bells off me so that I could get to the pot without them knowing!

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