
Saturday 19 December 2015




 The navy night

Brings a feeling of fright

But in its calm

Will show no harm

So trust the stars

For they come from far

And guide the way

From dusk till day

As the moon kisses the clouds

And the sounds of the owls

Can be heard in the ghostly narrow lanes

No traffic or trains

Just trees and fields

Rivers and locks

With the crying from the golden fox

Where the night does steel

The day away

And one can feel

A shiver running down their spine

Until it’s morning time

A long cobalt cloud

Hovers above so round

A feeling of fear

As rustles in the leaves

And out jumps a deer

It’s hard to believe

Such beauty in the night

And one can understand

What is so right?

That the slate sky

Can be full of pure delight

And then we learn, about the night

Its peaceful plight

Without fight

And dark is the sight

Far from all white

Whilst a hawk is drinking 

It gets me thinking

Who decided we should sleep at night

And be awake during the day?

What if we were to reverse that?

Sleep in the sun

And darkness we shall play

Just a shadow in the distance

The bird of prey

Says goodbye and thank you to the lock

And he is on his way

Sadly heading for a flock

Let’s hope they will get away

Silver shimmers on the water

Rippling waves from the river otter

Puddles play in the moonlight

Branches tangle almost in fight

The breaze is blowing stronger

  The darkness seams longer

As I find some boulders

And wrest the backpack

From my shoulders

Staring into the black

Wondering why

Does change have to occur with our sky?

 And the cats prefer the moonlight

Rather than the day

Is it because it’s easier, to catch their prey?

The silence is earie

I want to go home

But for me I must roam

And wish dawn would come early

For enough is enough

Wild winds now are starting to get rough

The heavens have spoken

Far away chimneys are smoking

My fingertips are nipping

Ice is forming

And my worn out shoes are gripping

Hands full of splinters

Finding wood for my shelter

Far away for me are my Sister and brother

As for my Father?

He lost me at birth

Sending my Mother to a place

Where she met with the earth

So now I sit hear waiting in the night

First with tribulation

Full of fright

And then a sweet smile

But only for a while

My aging reflection

What once had so much affection

Has stories to tell

And tears to fill a well

At last I hear the church bell

And open my eyes

To my surprise

I’m in my bed

At home

With Mum and Dad

I sit up and see sheets so white

It was a dream?

That I had last night


Copyright Fiona Cummings  2015

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