
Sunday 27 December 2015


Good evening Bloggets it’s still raining. But so far we are still OK and I hope that will continue. I have left the boys in the lounge to fix up our Apple TV. Now for me, I would think that was a television. No. It’s a tiny box you can download things from.

Don’t ask.

Boy’s toys.


 My washing machine has not been off all day. And there are another two loads to do.


Thankfully Waggatail has been OK no more being sick.  Little Fella did really well today out with Hub they went to the local shop but Hub went the long way. Our Little Fella hasn’t been that way yet and Hub came back so proud of his new guy.


Teen up in the morning at five for work. Then its family day for us. My boy will be back at three in the afternoon though. I just pray he will be OK getting to work and back. He is so young to have such a responsibility. Its great Hub is off work for another two weeks. I hope in the meanwhile we have time with our best friends. I wish we lived closer to JB or I should say she lived closer to us. WE don’t see enough of each other and she is a laugh.  We are blessed to have lovely friends and my first text of the day was from our bestie like, he wanted to know if teen got home OK during the night. Bless him. Mind you I also received a text from Hubs ex asking if all was OK with the floods. I thought that was really sweet of her.


Thank you for your emails of late I really appreciate all of them.

I will answer them as quickly as I can. Tomorrow before our family our dogs are going for a walk. Our kind dog lady is coming but depends on the weather. Really she would come out in all storms but she isn’t young and I feel bad about that. They say it’s not going to rain tomorrow but Tuesday and Wednesday is going to be worse than the past two days. Oh my word. Hub was saying the other day he doesn’t know how there is so much rain in the sky.


Hoping to go to the cinema when the girls come. We have lots of nice Christmas presents for them. I expect they will be tired and will enjoy the peace as over Christmas is really busy for them as they both sing in the cathedral choir. So Christmas time is their busiest.


To round up this year. It was one of the best Christmas days ever in my life, but the lead up to it? Oh wow, that was full of stress. So many reasons why. On top of all the normal things like decorating the tree, wrapping gifts and before all of that, shopping for presents. Most of it we had to do on line but thankfully our friend Julie came and helped us to shop for a couple of things for teen and Hub. 


I bought hub a ring. Also his Apple TV that he is playing with now. I just hope they can install it OK. Hub bought me a new computer. As this one is really on its last legs, and you know when I use this, I have soft wear to make it talk, well when I opened the lid of my new lap top, it spoke. I was overwhelmed. Teen got lots of lovely gifts. He was so pleased with them all. Even simple things like some nice slippers, bless him, you would think he had won the lotto.


He received some awful pop he adored when we went to America to see our friends. I can’t remember the name of it, Hub buys it for teen. Tonight teen said each drink reminded him of his wonderful time out there. He really misses our friends and so do I. It was the best holiday of my entire life, though France this year was beautiful too as all the family were together. Teen and our two girls, Alice and Emily. It marked the ending for so much too.


OK, I detect trouble in our lounge so will go and try to calm the situation down. Oh God. Really, I can’t leave them alone for more than two minutes. Why is life so difficult? It’s not like on the movies. You know, when its Christmas Eve and Dad goes out cuts down a Christmas tree, after going to his shed where he has been working on a project for months and has made the child a rocking horse? Under each arm, the Dad comes in the house to the child’s delight and together they hang toys form the tree. Hahheheheh. Why is it never like that in my house?

Laters. X   

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