
Monday 21 December 2015


Now then boys and girls, Little Fella once again.  I spent much of me pup years in Lancashire and, as I might pop up on this blog now and then, I thought I would teach you some of the lingo so to speak.  Me mum tells me that some of you are in India, Russia, America - I've no idea what she's on about - but you might find some of this hard to understand.

I've had me corporation pop and me Dad's put wood in th'ole, so time for sleep soon, once Wagga stops mitherin' me. Wagga's not as green as she's cabbage lookin, she's reet.

Got to tell me mum that our hair is full of lugs so it needs sorting with that brush thing, after I've had me scran; I could eat a horse between two bread vans!

Ta rah

1.Saying/ word: Barm
Meaning: Bread roll
2. Saying/ word: Put wood in th'ole
Meaning: Shut the door
3. Saying/ word: Corporation pop
Meaning: Water
4. Saying/ word: It's cracking flags
Meaning: it is so hot outside that stone pavings are breaking
5. Saying/ word: Use yer loaf
Meaning: Think for yourself
6. Saying/ word: I've not got out fort do
Meaning: I don't have anything to do
7. Saying/ word: A'v cum b'out any money
Meaning: I'm afraid I haven't got any cash on me today
8. Saying/ word: Stop skriking
Meaning: Stop crying
9. Saying/ word: Mitherin'
Meaning: Annoying/pestering
10.Saying/ word: Wot you sayin'?
Meaning: Hello, do you have anything interesting to say?
11.Saying/ word: Proper reet good
Meaning: That is very good
12.Saying/ word: Give us a nicker
Meaning: Please may I have a pound
13.Saying/ word: A doll and a drum and a kick up a bum
Meaning: That is what you get for being cheeky
14.Saying/ word: What ya on wi lad
Meaning: What have you been up to?
15.Saying/ word: How's yer sen?
Meaning: How are you?
16.Saying/ word: Stop pace egging about
Meaning: Stop messing around
17.Saying/ word: Kecks
Meaning: Trousers
18.Saying/ word: I'm spitting feathers here
Meaning: I am thirsty
19.Saying/ word: Nice one
Meaning: Thank you
20.Saying/ word: Beltin'
Meaning: Great
21.Saying/ word: He's not as green as he's cabbage looking
Meaning: He's not as stupid as he looks
22.Saying/ word: Scran
Meaning: Food
23.Saying/ word: Our kid
Meaning: My brother/sister
24.Saying/ word: Manchester caviar
Meaning: Mushy peas
25.Saying/ word: Wind ya neck in
Meaning: Calm down/keep your nose out of my business
26.Saying/ word: Shut ya gob
Meaning: Be quiet
27.Saying/ word: Put big light on
Meaning: Turn on the main light
28.Saying/ word: Ta rah
Meaning: Goodbye
29.Saying/ word: Your hair is full of lugs
Meaning: Your hair is all knotty and you can't get a brush through it
30.Saying/ word: Chuffed
Meaning: Pleased
31.Saying/ word: Willie heckers like
Meaning: No he won't
32.Saying/ word: Ow'do
Meaning: How are you?
33.Saying/ word: 'angin
Meaning: Horrible
34.Saying/ word: Don't be nesh
Meaning: Do not be soft
35.Saying/ word: Mingin
Meaning: Not nice
36.Saying/ word: That's bobbins
Meaning: That is useless
37.Saying/ word: I were a gate and he were a gate
Meaning: I said and he said
38.Saying/ word: Muffin
Meaning: Bread roll
39.Saying/ word: I could eat a horse between two bread vans
Meaning: I am very hungry
40.Saying/ word: Clobber
Meaning: Item of clothing or hitting someone hard
41.Saying/ word: Do I heckers like
Meaning: No, I definitely don't
42.Saying/ word: Nippin' shop
Meaning: Going to the shop
43.Saying/ word: Up the wooden hill
Meaning: Up the stairs
44.Saying/ word: I'll av a meat an tata cake
Meaning: I'll have a meat and potato pie
45.Saying/ word: A shilling mix
Meaning: A shillings worth of chips and peas in a bowl
46.Saying/ word: Al'reet?
Meaning: Are you ok?
47.Saying/ word: What a load of twod
Meaning: What a load of rubbish
48.Saying/ word: Sweating cobs as in 'I'm sweating cobs 'ere'
Meaning: I am sweating a lot
49.Saying/ word: Brassic
Meaning: Broke
50.Saying/ word: Scran
Meaning: Food
51.Saying/ word: Oh aye yeah
Meaning: Oh yes (realisation)
52.Saying/ word: Barmcake
Meaning: Bread roll
53.Saying/ word: Like piffy on a rock bun
Meaning: Used for someone hanging around with no purpose
54.Saying/ word: Sound as a pound
Meaning: Great, doing good
55.Saying/ word: I'm starvin' Marvin.
Meaning: Hungry
56.Saying/ word: Jibbing
Meaning: Not to pay on the bus or train
57.Saying/ word: Yer great barmpot
Meaning: You are being rather silly
58.Saying/ word: ee, I'll go t'foot of our stairs
Meaning: Expression of surprise
59.Saying/ word: Yer doin me shed in
Meaning: You are driving me mad
60.Saying/ word: He's not behind the door is he?
Meaning: He's not daft is he?

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