
Tuesday 8 December 2015


Hungary and Finland have joined us over the past couple of days. It’s not their first visit, but haven’t seen those countries for a while, so hey there!


I got up today at half seven. I had been awake since not long after half six, as that is when the booming voice from our radio wakes us up for Hubs work. Gosh, reminds me, I have a phone call to make today. Note to one ’s self.


No birds were singing and the sky was silent. A kind of silent way that means it’s still dark. I can’t explain it, but that is how me as a blind person tells if it’s light or dark.


Just turned on my heating and the tree lights are on with the garland along my mantelpiece.


 So the washing machine is on and kitchen cleaned for the day. It’s going to be a funny day today, in a few days or even weeks, I may be able to tell you all why? Kind of crazy, but not my decision.


I had cinnamon bagels for breakfast. Three. I should have had one, but my eyes were bigger than my belly. Do you have that saying in your country?  They are not really; I mean if they were, one would have to have a heck of a humongous head.


I’m totally stressing over Christmas I really can’t decide what to buy Hub for his main present. I know what he wants, but I so can’t justify the cost when there are other things that need paying for.


Update on the little fella. He had a big day yesterday, first day into the big world of being a Guide dog at work. Gosh, harness on and off to the train station. He went to a place called Peterborough. A place two years ago Hub said he would never go again. He hates the place but hay ho, here we are and his job took him there and takes him there most weeks now.  


Little fella was perfect on the train, well; I say on the train as beforehand, there almost was an incident. He was walking with Hub and the assistant from the station to go to his train. LF jumped in the air. A homeless person screamed and it was almost all over for a pigeon.


Thankfully touch wood…. Hmm. Where is the wood? Hang on, right, few, done it. Anyway, LF hasn’t shown any interest in our Canary. Mind you, right now poor Irish one has a massive Christmas tree in front of him, oh well; he will think he is in a forest, right?

Well, a forest with fairy lights, and baubles hanging from the ferns, oh and tinsel. Hahahah. It’s a forest with a difference, ok?


Anyway, LF was brilliant in the office. This is why Hub said he will make a perfect partner for him as he is a great guide and will lay down, in meetings all day or at Hubs desk but when it comes to working, he is up and raring to go.  Just the house we need to look out for. I hope he will settle one day when he learns he isn’t going to another home, he is home. Well, he will be from Thursday as that is when Hub I hope qualified. Let’s hope on his qualifying walk, he doesn’t come across an idiot on a bike who almost crashed into Hub and LF on a training walk last week or a man who was one inch off Hub before LF tried well, did manoeuvre Hub around the man, but it wasn’t easy as they almost had to go on the road from hell to do this, the trainer said he headed for her too and glared at her. Gosh, we do come across them.


Hub hasn’t let me know he is at work again. Just as he didn’t yesterday. Oh well, I’m kind of over it. If he doesn’t know by now how much I worry, then so be it. I shall train myself not to be so bothered. As for teen, I can’t help but worry. Thankfully, he is tucked up in bed and I suppose will be for the next couple of hours as it’s his day off.


Wagga is still in her bed. Hahaha. Its half nine now. She is snoring. Oh she had a great run yesterday. One and a half hours out with her new friend. She came back not the worst I have seen her, but her friend took her to her car and cleaned her. Bless the lady. I just had the finishing off to do and the floors? Oh the sand like bits that came off her were unbelievable.


OK must go now to make that call. You all have a good day now, won’t you? X   P.s. Hub just called to say he was there and he forgot to text. Good job he did phone as I reminded him he had to do something important. To do with work. Really, just call me his P.a? hahaha. Laters.

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