
Wednesday 9 December 2015


Well, where to begin. I still blame the antibiotics. OK. I haven’t had any for three days, but I bet they are still in my system? Tonight checking the time, Hub due home and I couldn’t smell the dinner cooking in the oven. All was explained when I went to check on it and learned I hadn’t put it in. There it was looking all uncooked on the top of the stove.

Dinner was a little late. Haha.


Teen came in from work and went straight to bed. He’s still there. It’s well after seven.


Our dogs are going crazy. They are fighting over the same toy. You should hear the noise? As for my rug? Forget it.


I’m waiting for a toy from Amazon, only it’s not from there it’s from the US. I didn’t know this when I ordered it. I have been told it will arrive between the 7th of December, gone. And the wait for it? 16th of January. Well it’s for our furry ones from Santa, now, how do I explain to Waggs and LF, that Santa has been delayed? Hmm? So I hope it comes sooner rather than later.


I wonder if Donald Trump will be bringing it. Oh boy, he is in our news. I’m keeping very quiet on that subject.


So that was then and this is now.

The wind is wild tonight. Its half ten. Teen got up after sleeping for four hours after work. Ate and ran. He is out now just. He is up at five in the morning again. I just don’t get teens. Is his bed done? Nope, still in the garage. He is doing ten and a half hours at work tomorrow so I doubt it will get done then either.


OK, time to put the house to sleep. All the lights outside need turning off. The tree lights and the lights in my vase as well as the garland on my mantelpiece. Time I do that and lock up, Hub lets the beastie bunch out and then it will be eleven. Hub is training in the morning and working mid-morning. He took one and a half hours to get home tonight. Today, he learned how to get to the cinema. A funny story, we are trying to get a crossing put on our evil road. And one of the small roads, used to have a beeping crossing. Not now, the council have removed it….. I got excited and said perhaps they were going to put it on our road? Haha. I mean, why else would they remove a button? To save money they must have done that, right? Here’s hoping.


Nighty night for now.

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