
Wednesday 9 December 2015


Good morning Bloggets. A bed frame arrived for teen. It’s a double bed. It’s in the garage and the garage smells lovely of wood. Now, how to get that upstairs? Well, so much work first to do. He has to take apart his older bed. Note I said older? Its two years old but it’s a single. He wanted a double for Christmas. I told him that single. Double they are all the same length. He says he can lie corner to corner. See, he is too tall. Well, I think that is the reason he wants a double bed?


Now just waiting for the mattress. Then the fun shall begin how to place the single bed somewhere and make room for the double. Oh, not to mention how he will put it together? We had drawer gate not long ago. Those drawers drove me crazy. He did it in the end though, good on him. Mind you, there is a bit of wood, a long bit, in his robe. Where is that from? I stupidly asked, knowing it was from his drawers. He answered, oh, my drawers, but it’s not needed…. Haha? O


That is obviously why they sent it. That expensive wood that dressed expensive wood. All five feet of it!


Well let’s hope we don’t have 6 feet two inches of planks of wood after this is put together? A lot of work to do firstly though, a cleaning the teen room job. Over to him. As he is at work today and is most days, this bed thing may take a while.


 Hub did some training with the Little Fella today from home. He did the route to our cinema and my fave eatery. Only trouble was, crossing that evil road. That will so scare me. Especially with a young dog.  I knew that our old Long Chops would keep Hub safe and because of that, I would be safe as I would follow. But the new pup, he is a baby at the end of the day and he and I don’t have a connection as yet. He is rather aloof. Hahaha. Though so cute. My little Wagga loves him, but she is a bit of a girl, she tends to like all the boys. Oh, reminds me, remember we looked after a stunning dog some weeks ago? Oh he was beautiful. When he left us I was broken. It was like losing our LC again. As he looked so much like her and so loving like her too. Well, yesterday he qualified with his new owner. He came from a sad background where his Mum died. He has now gone to a new lady and gets a coastal free run every morning. He has a great life.


I tried to put a photograph on here last night of our new fella, and my angel eyes Terry, my friend told me it was a white box and black background. Not sure what happened there will try to do it again tonight, thing is, I don’t have a clue how to do pictures, I wish I did then I would post more. For my friends who are blind I guess they will at this point be saying no? No. as photos can be frustrating if you can’t see them. Just another reminder you are blind. Unless the picture is described. I would of course do this, mind you; the photo we have received was taken at work with Hub so I would have to ask him what was in the background. OK, I’m rambling today, sorry. Not really woke up. Such a funny 24 hours.


My IPod as you know broke, teen kindly took it to our town and they fixed it. Well, I was so excited last night as I knew I had my pod back. Well, it needed updating firstly then I had to enter passwords into everything. And, I couldn’t remember all of the passwords. Hahahah so by the time I did that, there was notification that it needed updating and whilst it was getting that done, I couldn’t use it. Well, let me tell you the stress of Christmas shopping online for groceries? I put an order in two weeks ago for our grocery delivery. The closest date I could get to the big day was the 20th. That is far too early. So I have been trying to get another slot as they are so full there are none. Last night, I decided to change my slot and hope that some new dates would be added since I last looked. Just as I did that, the update came on and my screen went quiet. So all night I was like, oh, ok, so now I have said I don’t want the old slot on the 20th, and there are no slots on the 24th like I hoped for. And now what? Have my Christmas shopping delivered on the blooming tenth of December? Hahheheheh. Stressed? I wasn’t until Hub learned of my error. Long story short, got my old slot back and will just wait until my provider tells me by email like last year, there are some new slots become available. Hmm. They did do that last year and guess how much they charged? £10. I normally pay £1.


My Niece was due today but once again wasn’t able to make it. We will laugh about this when we are old biddies in our rocking chairs. As she isn’t that much younger than me. Every time she says she is coming, one of her children is ill or her car is rushed to hospital. One day bless her, she will get here.


Oh must remind my brother I gave him one of his Christmas presents and I did my usual thing of being green and environmentally friendly, by recycling a box from last Christmas. Hahheheheh. As I handed it to my Sister in law to put in her car. I asked her, what was on the box? She read, proline filled chocolates. Well, I can tell you as I told her, please don’t pass the gift on, as its not chocolates in the box. Smile.


I told you Bloggets before but some of the New Bloggets may not have read this, my first year with my darling Hub, his much missed Mum came to visit us to exchange gifts for Christmas. I proudly handed over a large bag with a label on it. Well, it felt new, but obviously Fifi Blogget had been green again. She read the label out loud. It was a bag from my friend from the previous year which read who it was from and who it was to.

My ex and myself. Heheheheh Thankfully she laughed.  As I went red. Luckily I had taken the gift from the previous year out of it though.


Please don’t think I have given my brother a tatty old chocolate box, haha. It’s actually beautiful. Round, very posh box with a ribbon on the lid as though to pull the lid open. Come to think about it, I am sure it was my friend Julie now who bought us the chocolates.


This morning already I have washed my downstairs toilet and dusted. Cleaned the kitchen and wrote a press release and made a phone call for work. I have had a request for a poem today to be written. It’s a sad one, for a funeral. My kind of poetry. I have had so many weddings to do of late. Far too much happiness going on there for me…… Smile.


OK. I shall go for now as really, I feel like I am talking and talking today and not much is coming out of my brain and onto the screen. I guess I just love to chat with my Bloggets. Oh, before I go, OK, I’m off again. Guess what, we are just going to miss out on 100,000 views before the New Year. I need three thousand views to get there. That would be amazing, but I think we will just, miss out, unless you help me to share some blogs? If you can that would be great and we would have some new Bloggets in our ever-growing family. So please feel free to share and remember you can comment on here or email me at


Right, I’m really going now, before I think of something else I need to tell you. With love. X

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