
Tuesday, 23 October 2012



Looking forward to tomorrow. In the morning, the three of us, my Hub, friend and myself,   are going to the town. Oh God, All of us trying to find a seat on the blooming bus? Haha, it’s bad enough one finding a seat and our busses are always full.

We are going for lunch then back in the late afternoon, for our posh tea. Oh remember when we went for Hubs silver tea pot tea, at the really posh hotel? Well we are all going tomorrow. Even the teen.

Oh, our teen made a cake today. A carrot cake. Hahaha, oh this is funny? I hate cooking. I had every kind of cake tin, but when I moved, I threw all of them out. I had not used them in years, so was not going to use them now? So we started to make a cake. Well then looked and found out that we had no cake tins Hahaha. My clever teen, took the handle from a pan and we  used that. Hahahaha, where there is a will and all that?

 Well we are going now to watch a film about a blind person, so the three of us will be out in empathy, or wet ourselves laughing…..

Ok, now this is weird? All the talk about Jimmy Savelle from the BBC. Well I had some banter with a girl I know who met him many times today, and without thinking about it, I all night have smelt cigars and asked my Hub and friend, if they had a relative that smoked cigars? They laughed and took the micky out of me. I kept saying,

“You mock, but I can smell cigars? Then my friend  laughed laughed and said that it was Jimmy coming back? Well he can blooming go back!

For those who don’t know Jimmy Savelle, he worked as  a children’s presenter and he died last year. After raising millions for charity. But in his eighties he was when he died, for all of his life,  he has been allegedly molesting young girls aged fourteen and slightly over?

His money paid for his sick life. Over one hundred women have come forward and made complaints about him. I just wish he was still alive and faced the facts.  So now you know why I don’t want him in my living room?

I smell things and get messages from the other side, but really fight it. I get laughed at but nine times out of ten, I am proven right?
Well off to watch the film and get the scented candle burning to get  rid of Jimmy!


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