Before you came into the light, what did you see?
“Darkness and sad images of me.”
Before you came into the light, what did you hear?
Scratching banging sounds, which lead me to fear!”
Before you came into the light, what did you feel?
“Spinning so fast on a burning wheel!”
Before coming into the light, what did you smell?
“Pain and deathly fragrances, so bad I can’t tell!”
Before coming into the light, what was your purpose?
“To make sure I taught people, not to feel so hopeless!”
Before coming into the light, what was peoples perspective
of you?
“They said good things to me but I never believed they were
Before coming into the light, did you have a choice?
“Oh yes, there was the darkness, which made me so stressed!”
“So why choose the light, how did you make that choice?
“It was easy, warm angels met me and they rejoiced”
So before you came
into the light, what was your name?
“I had no name. I had no identity!”
Why was this my child?
“Nobody wanted me!”
(Our maker did smile)
Well you stand in my shoes and ask me the same questions?
“I am and I see my reflection!”
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