
Monday, 29 October 2012


Earth angels


As you may know, I believe in angels? I also believe in earth angels and I have met a couple of them over the past few days? I have just connected with two beautiful people who make me feel alive and want to smile. I am so grateful to them and will never know how to thank them for all they do, are say and think, as they are really clever. My U.s parents, who I borrow, are also my earth angels. This got me thinking? What makes a good person and what makes people, connect?

Is it chemistry?


I think of connections like instruments. I sing and play the harp, for egzample, Ha-ha, Ok, I play hell, but that is not an instrument so does not sound as poetic. My Husband plays piano and teen plays guitar. We can all sit in a room and have a session. If we play the same music, we will sound so good. Then there are people who like other kinds of music and are quite opposed to our music and to the listener, we would all perform together our own kinds of music and sound dreadful, but in the audience, there would be someone who would play the drums to our rhythms and we would need them in our music group to keep us all in time together.  Sometimes we can clash and other times we make sweet music, when we do that, it is a connection.

It’s all about give and take and wanting to do for others what we would want doing to ourselves. We know when we have met an earth angel by the feeling they give you when we are together. If someone is telling us about their children’s school report and it is glowing and you are so sick of hearing about it, think how you will feel when you are proud of something? You will want to tell people, it is a natural motion to do so.  

There is such a strong compulsion to make our own opinion known, that even the most courteous among us will often practically ignore what the person says, or even interrupt them. But if we just take time out to really listen to the other person’s story, whether it bores you, look interested in what they have to say, for seventy seconds of your day, will it be hard for you to stop your thoughts and hear someone else? By doing this, what a difference you can make to other. Give time and your time will come!

You know what it is like, when you are the giver, no one is ever there for you? Well I am not saying give give give; you must associate with those who take too! Take what you have to say and take a knife to it and half it to share. You know when someone is listening to you?  It’s awful when you say something important and you know after your speech they have answered in a manner that is just not appropriate with your previous remark. Well those who do that regard them as acquaintances. Those who listen and wait for you to finish then respond with an answer you can connect with, keep those as you friends, but remember to give them the time too? People who come into your life and just talk about them and never listen to you can be so tiring? I have a friend like that and to be honest, I listen to her to help her as she needs to sound off at someone, but when she leaves I am exhausted. I have learned now I don’t need her, she needs me. I am there for her I would never not be but I have now friends who are there for me and me for them.  They are my friends for life, they are the friends I have connected with.

The day my Husband walked into my life, was the day I learned of earth angels and there is nothing wrong with having more than one earth angel, as you can be an earth  angel to many!

  What is an earth angel? Someone who makes you feel alive, someone who listens to you, someone who interests you, someone who makes you smile but you both can cry in front of each other too. Someone who you want to share with. Someone who you know will be there and you will not mind being there for them. Someone you make time to think about from time to time. Someone who enters your heart and leaves you feeling a buzz of electric. May be years ago in  another life, you were joined in some way?

We don’t really know the answer do we but we all have earth angels as well as spiritual ones. Thank you to mine, and I love you all.




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